Equine GI Tract Review Flashcards
how to trace your way from cecum to ileum in exploratory (4)
- cecum
- dorsal band of cecum
- ileocecal fold
- antimesenteric band of ileum
how many bands does the cecum have?
2 at apex; 4 at base
which artery supplies the cecum?
lateral cecal AND medial cecal
medial cecal supplies apex!!
how many bands does the ventral colon have?
4; and haustra are more prominent
how many bands does the dorsal colon have?
3 bands
duodenocolic fold connects…
ascending duodenum to descending colon
which artery supplies apex of cecum?
medial cecal
the middle colic artery supplies…
transverse colon
what’s palpable on rectal palplation?
- aorta
- inguinal rings
- small colon
- bladder
- cecum
- colon
- r. ovary
- L. kidney
- spleen
- L. ovary
how many bands does the transverse and descending/small colon have?
2 bands
order of GI tract
- duodenum
- jejunum
- ileum
- Cecum
- right ventral colon
- sternal flexure/diaphragmatic flexure
- Left ventral colon
- Pelvic flexure
- Left dorsal colon
- diaphragmatic flexure
- right dorsal colon
- transverse colon
- descending colon
the left colic artery supplies….
descending/small colon
which artery supplies the descending/small colon?
left colic
how to trace your way from cecum to right ventral colon (4)
- cecum
- lateral band of cecum
- cecocolic fold
- right ventral colon
the lateral cecal artery supplies…
the right colic artery supplies…
dorsal colon
cecocolic fold connects….
cecum to right ventral colon
the colic branch of the ileocecal artery supplies…
the ventral colon
important mesenteric folds
duodenocolic fold (ascending duodenum to descending colon)
ileocecal fold
cecocolic fold (cecum to right ventral colon)
which artery supplies ventral colon?
colic branch of ileocecal artery
the medial cecal artery supplies…
apex of cecum
what artery supplies the transverse colon?
middle colic
how many bands does the pelvic flexure have?
1 band