Colic Review Flashcards
ascarid impactions occur where?
SI in weanlings
lactate < 6.0 =
90% survival
1 overall location for impactions
pelvic flexure
you manually decompress a horse and the horse seems less painful. this indicates…
most likely ileus (enteritis or ileal impaction)
signalment for volvulus
post partum mare
normal abdominocentesis
WBCs: adults <5,000/dL; foals <1,500/dL
TP <2.0
Lactate <2.0
how to guide NG Tube
guide VENTRALLY and MEDIALLY into ventral meatus; rotate 180 degrees when feel resistance at pharynx to induce swallow reflex
ensure tube is curving down when placed
what most commonly leads the way in EFE
red topped tubes are for…
true or false: NEVER give meds through NG tube if there’s spontaneous or net reflux
risk factors for large colon volvulus
- post partum mare
- lush pasture
- diet change
boundaries of epiploic foramen
- caudate process of liver
- portal vein
- gastropancreatic fold
LDD is also called…
location of lipoma
90% SI
10% small colon
how to know NG tube is placed properly?
feel and watch it enter on left ventral neck
blow in tube
should have negative pressure
EFE is associated with…
why is medical management best for sand impactions
right dorsal colon is most common location; can’t be exteriorized and can easily tear
purple topped tubes are for…
cytology and lactate
you manually decompress a horse and the horse continues to be painful and tachycardic. this indicates…
strangulating lesion/manual obstruction
if temp > _____ NO surgery
most common location for L. colon impactions
pelvic flexure
33% of all colic surgeries…
EFE occurs most commonly in which direction
usually enters LEFT to RIGHT
epiploic foramen is also called…
foramen of winslow
most common locale for sand impactions
right dorsal colon
next is transverse colon
prognosis for lipoma
negative prognostic indicator on abdominocentesis
lactate > 7 = 30% survival
most common location for enteroliths
right dorsal colon
next is transverse colon
ileal impactions are linked to…
bermuda grass
if referral hospital < 2 hours away…
give hypertonic saline (4 ml/kg)
true or false: a normal abdominocentesis does NOT mean no surgery needed
net reflux indicates (4)…
- ileus
- obstruction
- enteritis
- or strangulating lesion
left colon impactions are linked to…. (5)
- coarse feed
- FB
- poor dentition
- decreased H2O intake
- grass sicknees
what happens in a RDD
pelvic flexure moves between cecum and body wall
signalment for lipoma
avg. 14-19 years