Enlightenment Flashcards
Period of time where divergence of intellectual ideas appeared
General belief of philosophers
Science + reasoning can improve people’s lives
Political belief of philosophers
All men were born equal and should have equal say in government rather than following the idea of DRK
What belief did Enlightenment thinkers especially oppose?
Divine Rights of Kings = Ideas of people born into certain families who claimed a divine right to rule
Popular sovereignty
People have the right to decide their own government
Idea of the Social Contract
People can and should remove any government that does not fulfill its responsibilities
Were Enlightenment ideas more radical or conservative?
Radical - wanted to replace all previous European ideas on government + society
How did the Enlightenment contradict to previous European societies?
They contradicted all ideas of patriarchal, hierarchical, and divine-right-based government + society
How did the Enlightenment transform Europe?
Religion: Weakened influence + organization of religion (didn’t destroy them); Replacement of Christianity with a set of secular values
Political: Powerful leaders intervene in society in the interest of promoting progress and prosperity
How did kings + emperors justify their rules / claim sovereignty?
Identified themselves with God / claimed divine rights for their authority (worked with religious authorities)
What belief system monarchs use to claim sovereignty?
China: Mandate of Heaven
Europe: Divine right of Kings
French philosophers who’s enlightenment works addressed to intellectual public (not just scholars) → their ideas were concerned with the citizens in the society.
In what way did the philosophes address religious + moral + political issues to the public?
Through novels, dramas, pamphlets, etc
What did the philosophes want to change about the government?
Thought government = contract between the rulers + ruled -> Make monarchs responsible to the people they govern - didn’t challenge them
What did philosophes resent about religion?
Persecution of minorities + censorship (prevent printers from publishing works) by royal officials
Used injustices to its people because of the fear of God’s punishment
Social changes due to Enlightenment ideas?
Increase influence + status of the educated + talented
Global influence
Revolutions based on Enlightenment values to justify their actions; Printing press allowed far spread of Enlightenment -> Organization of states and societies