Endocrine Drugs Flashcards
Hormones secreted from the Anterior pituitary are:
Hormones secreted from the Posterior pituitary are:
ADH (Vasopressin) + Oxytocin act directly on target tissues
GH secretion is stimulated by:
Hypothalamic growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)
GH secretion is inhibited by:
somatostatin (SRIH): binds to five distinct receptor subtypes (SST1-SST5)
mediates most of the peripheral actions of GH, inhibits GH secretion
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1):
Long acting synthetic analogue of Somatostatin which inhibit the release of GH, glucagon, insulin and gastrin.
used in the treatment of: acromegaly, gastrinoma and carcinoid.
D2 agonist has more effects on inhibiting prolactin than GH release.
Alpha-/Beta-Agonists: enhance the hypertensive effect & enhance the vasoconstricting effect of Alpha-/Beta-Agonists. Risk X: Avoid combination
GH antagonist for the treatment of Acromegaly
functions of FSH & LH in women:
FSH: directs follicle development
FSH+LH collaborate to induce ovarian steriodeogenesis
Primary regulator of spermatogenesis:
Gonadotropins analogues:
Menotropin: mixture of FSH & LH obtained from urine of postmenopausal women.
FSH analog
Urofollitropin: isolated from post menopausal women urine.
LH analog
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) a placental hormone that support the corpus luteum during the early stages of pregnancy
is a long acting Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) agonist. used to down regulate the release of Gonadotropins.
Agents belonging to the class Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) agonist
Leuprolide, Histrelin, Goserelin.
Ganirelix is a:
(GnRH) ANTagonist
Degarelix is approved for the treatment of Prostate cancer
Treatment of HYPERprolactinoma:
Carbegoline (Dostinex)
ADH (vasopersin)
synthesized in neuronal cell bodies in the hypothalamus and released in the posterior pituitary.
- Treatment of pituitary DM: Acts through V2 to increase insertion of H2O channels in the collecting ducts producing antidiuretic effects.
- Hemophilla A or Von Will disease: External V2 receptors regulate the release of factor VIII & Von Willebrand factor.
- Varecal bleeding and colon diverticuli through activating V1 receptor leading to vasoconstriction.
antagonist of Vasopressin.
Important difference between Leuprolide (GnRH) agonist and Ganirelix (GnRH) antagonist:
both drug can be used to inhibit gonadotropin release, Ganirelix effect is immediate while Leuprolide takes longer >1week
Treatment of precocious puberty:
involved administration of GnRH agonist to suppress gonadotropin release.
Agent of choice: LEuprolide.
symptoms of hyperhtyrodism:
stare and lid lag of the eye: due to sympathetic overactivity.
Sweating, heat intolerance.
Onycholysis (loosening of the nails from the nail bed, Plummer’s nails.
behavioral and personality changes, such as psychosis, agitation, and depression.