drug preparation Flashcards
Low-risk conditions
Compounding with aseptic manipulations using only sterile ingredients, products and devices in
ISO Class 5 or higher air quality
Medium-risk conditions
If you compound or pool multiple doses of sterile products for administration to multiple patients or to a single patient on multiple occasions and the compounding process involves more than single-volume transfer or takes a long time
compounded total parenteral nutrition fluids that require multiple injections,
High-risk conditions
non-sterile ingredients or non-sterile devices usually creates a high-risk condition.
High-risk compounding would include making a solution that will be terminally sterilized from non-sterile bulk drug or nutrient powders or measuring or mixing sterile ingredients in a non-sterile device prior to sterilization.
ISO class 5 aka class 100
200-600 air changes/hr
The majority оf сlеаnrооmѕ аrе …………………. рrеѕѕurе
The majority оf сlеаnrооmѕ аrе роѕitivе-рrеѕѕurе
…………………… рrеѕѕurе rooms are dеѕignеd tо kеер contaminants frоm lеаving the room.