endocrine disease Flashcards
What hormones were linked to dieases
Cortisol: 2
Growth Hormone: 3
Thyroid hormones: 4
calcium homeostasis: 2
Insulin homeostasis: 2
What is the name of Cortisol diseases
Cushings syndrome -Hyper
Adersons syndrome - Hypo
What is the name of Thyroid diseases
Infantile hypothyroidism hypo(child)
Adult hypothyroidism hypo (adult)
Simple goiter hypo (adult)
Graves disease hyper
What is the name of Growth hormone dieases
Dwarfism Hypo (child)
Giantism hyper (Child)
Arcomegaly Hyper (adult)
What is the name of calcium homeostasis diseases
What is the name of insulin homeostasis diease
Type 1 diabetes - hypo
Type 2 diabetes - hypo sensistivity
What is the causes and symptoms of cortisol disease
Cushing’s - Cuased: tumor AG, glucocortisol meds. effect: high blood pressure, thinning of limbs, fat stomach
Adersons - Caused: Autoimmune disease in adrenal gland
effect: low blood pressure(and low Na in blood due to aldosterone production damaged), weightloss / loss of apitite
What is the causes and symptoms of Growth hormone disease
Dwarfism(umbrella term): Cause, genetic mutation, Lack of GH when a child
short stature
Giantism: Cause, Tumor in PG, as a child (pre epiphyseal fusion)
Excessive GH - Large heigh long limbs
Acromegaly: cause, Tumor in PG as an adult
Causes large exstermitys and defined facial features
What is the causes and symptoms of Thyroid disease
Infantile thyroidism: causes, under developed TG or AP, lack of iodine in mothers diet.
Result Low basal metabolic rate, delay in growth
Adult thyroidism: Causes: removed thyroid, iodine defficent, autoimmune
result: reduced basal rate (tired,) weight gain
Simple goiter- causes: iodine deficeny
Symptoms: goiter at the thyroid due to over stimulation of the thyroid (oversecretion of TRH, TSH)
Graves disease- causes: Auto immune: causes the over production of TH,
symptoms: Goiter (due to overuse of TG,) High heart rate
What is the causes and symptoms of insulin homeostasis diseases
Type 1 diabeties - Cause: Damage to beta islets, auto immune or virus
Symptoms: polyuria(pee), polydipsia (thristy)
Treated with insulin supliments
Type 2 diabetes - cause: Bad diet and poor health, leads to receptors being desensitised
symptoms: polyuria, polydipsia
Treatement is excersise and fix diet
What is the causes and symptoms of Calcium homeostasis disease
Hypoparathyroidism- Cause: Auto immune or damage to PTG
Symptoms: muscle spazms (tetenus,) sezures
Hyperparathyroidsim- Cause: tumor in the PTG
Symptoms: soft and fragile bones, Kidney stones