Emergency procedures Flashcards
Pilot incapacitation drill:
1) Remove pilot from controls, ensure airway is open
2) Ensure seatbelt is fastened and shoulder harness secured
3) Cross pilots arms and secure them behind harness
4) Engage inertia reel lock (inboard)
5) Ensure seat back is fully upright (recline lever - outboard)
6) Slide seat fully aft (H lever - inboard)
7) Remove pilots feet from pedals and cross behind yoke
What is included in the care of the pilot in the pilot incapacitation drill?
1) Check airway is clear (if choking - back slaps)
2) Check for normal breathing
(Pilot incap) If breathing is absent when assessing the pilot …
- Consider moving to the FWD galley
- Commence CPR and AED
- Assist operating pilot
(Pilot incap) If breathing is normal when assessing the pilot …
- First aid and monitor, consider administering oxygen
- Assist operating pilot
Go around procedure:
1) When engine noise increases and climb can be felt No.1 makes PA
2) After 4-5 mins No.1 calls CAP - “Cabin to FD, No.1 standing by”
3) No.2 (and No.3) picks up inter phone - “Cabin to FD, No.2 (No.3) standing by”
4) Inform CAP of relevant information
5) No.1 inform No.4 and No.2 inform No.3 (if necessary)
6) All CC remained stationed and monitor inside and outside conditions
7) CAP will make PA
Tail strike procedure:
1) No.2 contacts No.1 via inter phone informing of the situation (No.3 picks up interphone)
2) No.1 informs the FD of the situation, including details such as:
Sound heard
Noticeable damage
Security of the cabin
3) CC remain stationed and monitor inside and outside conditions
4) CC await further instructions from CAP
Rejected take off procedure:
1) Once the a/c has come to a complete stop or cleared off the active runway, No.1 makes PA
2) No.1 calls CAP, “Cabin to FD, No.1 standing by”
3) No.2 (and No.3) picks up interphone, “Cabin to FD, No.2 (No.3) standing by”
4) Inform CAP of relevant information
5) No.1 informs No.4 and No.2 informs No.3 (if necessary)
6) CC remain stationed and monitor inside and outside conditions
7) Be prepared to evacuate
8) CAP will make PA
If ‘No.1 to the FD’ was heard before giving cabin secure what emergency is this considered as?
Time available - as there is more than 5 minutes before impact
What does S.O.S stand for and what is included in each part of the demo?
S - Survive the impact (seatbelts, brace position)
O - Get out (exits, ELS)
S - Survive outside (lifejackets, safety card)
What should you consider when choosing ABP’s to brief?
- Physical size (in relation to their assigned exit)
- Age and visible physical condition
- Possibility to effectively communicate with them
Where are the ABP’s seated for the FWD exits?
(800) 1BC, 2DE
(8200) 1BC, 2DE
Where are the ABP’s seated for the AFT exits?
(800) 33BC, 33DE
(8200) 35BC, 35DE
Where are the ABP’s seated at the OW exits?
(800) 16/17AB, 16/17EF
(8200) 17/18AB, 17/18EF
Which ABP’s does each CC brief?
No.1 - ABP’s for L1 & R1
No.2 - ABP’s for L2 & R2
No.3 - ABP’s for left OW
No.4 - ABP’s for right OW
Briefing of ABP’s at the main doors:
- Hold PAX until instructed
- Both ABP’s leave the a/c first
- Hold the slide at the bottom
- Assist PAX to their feet
- Send PAX away from the a/c
Briefing of ABP’s in case of CC incapacitation:
(One ABP remain onboard, one evacuate)
1. Remove CC from seat (show harness)
2. WHEN to open door (on CAP command, check conditions)
3. WHAT to check (obstructions, fire, smoke)
4. HOW to open (pull manual inflation handle)
5. PASSENGER INSTRUCTIONS (“Come this way”, “Jump and slide”, “Exit blocked”)
Briefing of ABP’s at OW exits:
- WHEN to open exit (on CAP command, check conditions)
- WHAT to check (obstructions, fire, smoke)
- HOW to open
- PASSENGER INSTRUCTIONS (“Come this way”, “Leg, shoulder, leg”, “Slide off the wing”)
Additional briefing points for PAX seated at A or F OW exits:
- Open the exit
- Get out
- Slide off
- Assist on ground
Additional briefing points for PAX seated at B or E OW exits:
- Go out next
- Stand on wing
- Assist
What PAX may need to be assigned a buddy system?
- Frail
- Elderly
- PAX travelling with children/INF
Differences in briefing for ABP’s at L1 and R1 in a ditching scenario:
- WHAT to check (look for water)
- Manual inflation handle not shown
Differences in briefing for ABP’s at OW exits in a ditching scenario:
- 17/18AF will attach rope to LJ and then to the wing
- 17/18AF will JUMP in water
- ABP’s in BE will instruct PAX to JUMP
Differences in briefing for ABP’s at L2 and R2 in a ditching scenario:
- Exits will not be used
- When the a/c stops, redirect PAX to OW
- They will evacuate last, just before crew
What is the ditching survival plan?
- Protection
- Location
- Water
- Food
What is included in the ‘protection’ of the ditching survival plan?
- Keep together in a circle, adopt the foetal position
- Put the injured in the centre of the circle
- Consider using FWD slides as flotation devices
What is included in the ‘location’ of the ditching survival plan?
- Keeping in a circle will make it easier to be spotted
- Move the circle to the nose or tail end of the a/c to check for land
- Activate ELT
What is included in the ‘water’ of the ditching survival plan?
- Never drink sea water
- Drink watery fluid along the spine and in eyes of fish
What is included in the ‘food’ of the ditching survival plan?
- If supplies from the a/c are unavailable or limited, the only food source is fish
Who will No.3 brief on 8200?
Additional ABP’s at MED exits
What does the No.3 do during an evacuation on 8200?
- Open R-MED
- Open L-MED (if not opened by PAX)
- Coordinate evacuation from between rows 28 and 29 (as no assist space)
What is the procedure if ‘No.1 to the FD’ is heard during the flight?
- No.1 picks up the interphone and says, ‘Cabin to flight deck, No.1 standing by’
- No.1 receives NITS from CAP, repeats back and synchronises watches
- No.2, 3 and 4 stow trolleys and go to FWD galley
- No.1 gives NITS to No.2, 3 and 4, they repeat as a group and synchronise watches
- All CC carry out drill relevant to NITS briefing
What is the procedure if ‘No.1 to the FD’ is heard on the ground/when CC are in JS?
- No.1 picks up the interphone and says, ‘Cabin to flight deck, No.1 standing by’
- No.2 picks up the interphone and says, ‘Cabin to flight deck, No.2 standing by’
- No.1and No.2 receives NITS from CAP
- No.1 repeats back to CAP
- No.2 repeats back to No.1
- No.1 gives NITS to no.4
- No.4 will repeat back
- No.2 gives NITS to no.3
- No.3 will repeat back
- All CC carry out drill relevant to NITS briefing
What is the procedure if ‘No.1 to the FD’ is heard during boarding/disembarking?
- No.1 and No.2 must stop PAX from entering (if boarding)
- No.1 picks up the interphone and says, ‘Cabin to flight deck, No.1 standing by’
- No.2 picks up the interphone and says, ‘Cabin to flight deck, No.2 standing by’
- No.1and No.2 receives NITS from CAP
- No.1 repeats back to CAP
- No.2 repeats back to No.1
- No.1 gives NITS to no.4 (if not at gate)
- No.4 will repeat back
- No.2 gives NITS to no.3 (if not at OW)
- No.3 will repeat back
- All CC carry out drill relevant to NITS briefing
Time available evacuation on land - First CC action:
Time available evacuation on land - At 30 seconds to landing:
Brace position - HOLD
Passengers - COMMAND “Brace, brace!”
Time available evacuation on land - After aircraft has come to a complete stop:
Jumpseat - UNSTRAP
Outside conditions/slide armed - CHECK
Time available evacuation on land - On receipt of evacuation command:
Door - OPEN
Manual inflation handle - PULL
ABP’s - SEND (two to assist at bottom of slide)
Evacuation - COMMENCE
Time available evacuation on land - Once all passengers are out:
Assigned area - CHECK
Assigned equipment - TAKE
Time available evacuation on land - After evacuation:
Crowd control procedures - COMMENCE
Where does each CC perform the SOS demo?
No.1 - FWD galley
No.2 - Row 21
No.3 - Row 11
No.4 - Row 1
What area does each CC set up the buddy system?
No.1 - FWD cabin
No.2 - AFT cabin
No.3 - AFT cabin
No.4 - FWD cabin
What are the assigned areas for each CC?
No.1 - FWD galley, FWD toilet, FD
No.2 - AFT galley, AFT toilet, rows 21-33
No.3 - AFT galley, AFT toilet, rows 11-20
No.4 - Rows 1-10
What is the emergency equipment for each CC?
No.1 - Loudhailer, ELT-Type C (if fitted)
No.2 - White FAK, ELT-Type A/B
No.3 - Loudhailer, green FAK
No.4 - White FAK
Time available evacuation on land (short notice) - CC actions:
SOS short notice PA - COMPLETE
Time available evacuation on land (short notice) - At 2 minutes to landing:
Position - TAKE
ELS - ON (No.2)
Time available evacuation on land (short notice) - At 30 seconds to landing:
Brace position - HOLD
Passengers - COMMAND (“Brace, brace!”)
Time available evacuation on land (short notice) - After aircraft has come to a complete stop:
Jumpseat - UNSTRAP
Outside conditions/slide armed - CHECK
Time available evacuation on land (short notice) - On receipt of evacuation command:
Door - OPEN
Manual inflation handle - PULL
ABP’s - SEND (Two to assist at bottom of the slide)
Evacuation - COMMENCE
Time available evacuation on land (short notice) - Once all passengers are out:
Assigned area - CHECK
Assigned equipment - TAKE
Time available evacuation on land (short notice) - After evacuation:
Crowd control procedures - COMMENCE
No time available evacuation on land - CC actions:
Brace position - HOLD
Passengers - COMMAND (“Heads down, grab ankles, stay down!”)
No time available evacuation on land - After aircraft has come to complete stop:
Jumpseat - UNSTRAP
ELS - ON (No.2)
Outside conditions/slide armed - CHECK
No time available evacuation on land - On receipt of evacuation command:
Door - OPEN
Manual inflation handle - PULL
ABP’s - SEND (Two to assist at bottom of slide)
Evacuation - COMMENCE
No time available evacuation on land - Once all passengers are out:
Assigned area - CHECK
Assigned equipment - TAKE
No time available evacuation on land - After evacuation:
Crowd control procedures - COMMENCE
Time available ditching - CC actions:
Time available ditching - At 30 seconds to landing:
Brace position - HOLD
Passengers - COMMAND (“Brace, brace!”)
Time available ditching - After aircraft has come to a complete stop:
Jumpseat - UNSTRAP
Outside conditions/slide armed - CHECK
Door - OPEN
Manual inflation handle - PULL
Detachment handle - PULL
ABP’s - SEND (Two to assist in the water)
Evacuation - COMMENCE
Passengers - REDIRECT
Time available ditching - Once all passengers are out:
Assigned area - CHECK
Assigned equipment - TAKE (If time permits)
Time available ditching - After evacuation:
Ditching survival plan - COMMENCE
What position and exit do the No.2 and No.3 take during a ditching?
No.2 - Guard L2, evacuate via left OW
No.3 - Guard R2, evacuate via right OW
Time available ditching (short notice) - CC actions:
Life jacket - DON
SOS short notice PA - COMPLETE
Time available ditching (short notice) - At 2 minutes to landing:
Position - TAKE
ELS - ON (No.2)
Time available ditching (short notice) - At 30 seconds to landing:
Brace position - HOLD
Passengers - COMMAND (“Brace, brace!”)
Time available ditching (short notice) - After aircraft has come to a complete stop:
Jumpseat - UNSTRAP
Outside conditions/slide armed - CHECK
Door - OPEN
Manual inflation handle - PULL
Detachment handle - PULL
ABP’s - SEND (Two to assist in the water)
Evacuation - COMMENCE
Passengers - REDIRECT
Time available ditching (short notice) - Once all passengers are out:
Assigned area - CHECK
Assigned equipment - TAKE (If time permits)
Time available ditching (short notice) - After evacuation:
Ditching survival plan - COMMENCE
No time available ditching - CC actions:
Brace position - HOLD
Passengers - COMMAND (“Heads down, grab ankles, stay down!”)
No time available ditching - After aircraft has come to a complete stop:
Jumpseat - UNSTRAP
ELS - ON (No.2)
Life jacket - DON
Outside conditions/slide armed - CHECK
Door - OPEN
Manual inflation handle - PULL
Detachment handle - PULL
ABP’s - SEND (Two to assist in the water)
Evacuation - COMMENCE
Passengers - REDIRECT
No time available ditching - Once all passengers are out:
Assigned area - CHECK
Assigned equipment - TAKE (If time permits)
No time available ditching - After evacuation:
Ditching survival plan - COMMENCE