Embryonic and Fetal Period (Exam 1) Flashcards
When is the embryonic period
weeks 3-8
How is the age of the embryo expressed in the beginning of the embryonic period
number of somites presented
How is the size of embryo measured
crown rump length
How is crown rump length measured
vertex of the skull to the caudal tip of the trunk
During what period will organogenesis occur
What are the derivatives of the trilaminar embryo
What will the ectoderm go on to form
outside stuff and nerves
What will the mesoderm form
bones, urinary, genitals, CT
What will the endoderm go on to form
GI and organs
What germ cell layer is epithelium derived from
All 3 layers
What part of the epithelium is formed from the mesoderm
vascular endothelium
What part of the epithelium is formed by the endoderm
epithelium of structures from yolk sac
What part of the epithelium is formed by the ectoderm
epidermis and ependyma
How are epithelial tumors derived from mesoderm named
Benign: angiomas
Malignant: sarcomas
How are epithelial tumors derived from endoderm named
Benign: papilloma/adenoma
Malignant: carcinomas
How are epithelial tumors derived from ectoderm named
Benign: papilloma/adenomas
Malignant: carcinomas
What layers are connective tissue derived from
mesoderm for torso and limbs
neuroectoderm for head
How are connective tissue tumors named:
Benign: lipoma, fibroma, chondroma, osteoma
Malignant: sarcomas
What layer is muscle derived from
How are muscle tumors named
Benign: myoma
Malignant: myosarcoma
What layer is nerve derived from
What germ layers are teratomas derived from
all three layers
What is neurulation
formation of the neural tube from the neural plate
What forms the neural plate
ectoderm thickens
When does the neural plate begins to fold
day 20
When does the neural folds make first contact in the cranial end
Day 22
Fusion of the neural plate occurs in what direction
caudal and cranial directions
When does the cranial neuropore close
Day 24-25
When does the caudal neuropore close
Day 26-27
Fusion of the neural folds results in formation of what
the neural tube
What is a neuropore
temporary embryonic openings between neural canal and amniotic cavity
What layer is the neural tube derived from
What is secondary neurulation
invagination of surface ectoderm that forms the sacral and coccygeal spinal cord
What is formation of the sacral and coccygeal spinal cord associated with
tethered cord syndrome
What are neural crest cells
cells that migrate away from the ectoderm after neurulation, dissociate and migrate to the respective locations
What are the neural crest derivatives
parasympathetic ganglia sensory ganglia autonomic and dorsal root ganglia CT around eye optic nerves muscles of the pupil and ciliary body mesenchyme of the head pia and arachnoid mater of the occipital region structures in the pharyngeal arches dermis, smooth muscle and fat of the face odontoblasts Schwann cells chromatin cells of the adrenal medulla neurosecretory cells of the heart and lungs
What will surface ectoderm give rise to
epidermis, hair, nails cutaneous and mammary glands anterior pituitary gland enamel of teeth internal ear lens of eye ectodermal placodes
List the layers of intraembryonic mesoderm formed on either side of the notochord
paraxial mesoderm
intermediate mesoderm
lateral plate mesoderm
What is derived from the paraxial mesoderm
form the axial skeleton, the vast majority of skeletal muscle, and associated CT and dermis
What is derived from the intermediate mesoderm
the GU and genital system
What will the lateral plate mesoderm form
splits into two layers