Embryology Flashcards
At what day does the upper limb bud appear?
Day 24
At what day does the lower limb appear?
25/26 days
What are HOX genes?
Genes resulting from a combination of expression of SHH, FGF’s , they are regionally expressed in limbs and determine which skeletal element is formed
Which genes are expressed in the upper limb?
HOXd 9-13 genes
What genes can you remove that and result in the radius and ulna not being formed?
HOXa 11, HOXd 11
How do limb buds elongate?
By the proliferation of mesenchyme
What do lower limbs buds form opposite?
The lumbar and sacral segments
What do upper limbs buds form opposite?
The caudal cervical segments
How does the Apical ectodermal ridge form?
The ectoderm thickens at the apex of each bud
What role does the Apical Ectodermal RIdge have?
Is a multilayered epithelial structure that exerts an inductive influence on limb mesenchyme
What does the mesenchyme adjacent to the AER consists of ?
Undifferentiated rapidly proliferating cells
What do the mesenchyme proximal to the AER differentiate into?
Blood vessels and cartilage bone models
What are the steps of the fingers and toes forming?
Limb buds, Paddle shaped hand plates and flipper shaped foot plates, Digital rays, Notches between digital rays, Webbed fingers and toes, Separate digits of fingers and toes
What mediates apoptosis in fingers and toes?
Bone morphogenetic proteins
How do cartilaginous precursors of limb bones develop?
By chondrification within the mesoderm in the 6th week
How does ossification appear in week 8 to 12
Primary centres of ossification appear in response to growth factors
how do the upper limbs rotate?
Rotate 90degress laterally
So that extensors are on the lateral and posterior surfaces
How do the lower limbs rotate?
90degress medically so that the extensors are on the anterior surface
How does the dermatomal pattern develop?
During the 5th week, peripheral nerves grow from the developing limb plexus into the mesenchyme of the limbs
Define Amelia defect?
Total absence of limbs
Define meromelia?
Partial absence
Define phocomelia?
Some long bone absence
Define micromelia?
All parts present but small
Define polydactyly
Presence of more than 5 digits on the hands or feet
Define the types of syndacyly?
Cutaneous (simple webbing between the digits) and osseous (fusion of bones)
Is syndactyly more common in feet or hands?
What birth defect of the limbs does thalidomide cause?
Another name for congenital clubfoot?
Talipes equinovarus
How is the foot positioned in talipes equinovarus?
Is turned medically and th foot is inverted
Cause of talipes equinovarus
Multifactoral (genetic and environmental factor), abnormal position or restricted movement of the fetus’s lower limb in the utero
Define abnormal development of acetabulum
Congenital dislocation of the hip, common after breech
Types of developmental dysplasia of the hip?
Abnormal development of acetabulum, generalised joint laxity