Embryo (04.06) Heart Development Flashcards
between what days does the heart tube formation take place?
the heart development begins within the ___ ___-
cardiogenic mesoderm
angioblasts form cell clusters, small cavities begin to form in the islands lined with endothelial cells creating channels that fuse to form vessels
what is the first sign of heart formation
a solid horseshoe-shaped endothelial cord forms within the cardiogenic mesoderm
at what week does the endothelial cord canalize?
4th week
___ ___ ___ created primordial heart tube
lateral body forming
the ____ sides of the horse-shoe-shaped endothelial tube fold in ventrally and medially, approaching each other at midline to fuse, forming a single ___ ___ ___
- lateral
- primordial heart tube
the septum transvedsum (diaphragm) moves from being ____ to the developing heart to being ____ to it
- anterior
- posterior
the umbilical veins are _____
the oxygen to the fetus starts with the ___ ___
umbilical vein
the umbilical arteries carry what?
100% deoxygenated blood
the transverse pericardial sinus is formed when the ____ _____ degenerates
dorsal mesocardium
what primitive chamber(s) form the right ventricle
caudal portion of bulbus cordis
what primitive chamber(s) form the left venticle
primordial ventricle
what primitive chamber(s) form the right and left auricles and the portions of the atria?
primordial atrium
subdivisions of atriums
what primitive chamber(s) form the coronary sinus and sinus venarum
sinus venosus
between what days is the cardiac loop formation?
as the heart folds, its cranial end will shift ____ and ____ and to the ____
- ventrally
- caudally
- right
as the heart folds, its caudal end will shift _____ and ____
- dorsally
- superiorly