E3: pediatric neurological disorders Flashcards
what are the three neural tube defects
- anencephaly
- encephalocele
- spina bifida
at 20 days of gestation, what happen
a neural groove appears in the ectoderm of embryo
the nural groove does what after 20 days gestation
deepens and fuse together and the tube forms in both directions from center of embryo outward
when is the neural tube closed off
by the 4th week of gestation
why have CNS disorders decreased
- early prenatal diagnosis
- termination of pregnancies
- maternal intake of folic acid before conception
cause of CNS disorders
- maternal heat exposure
- maternal age, obesity, zinc deficiency
- drugs
- familia; tendency
soft pony part of skull and part of brain is missing
characteristics of anencephaly
child has frog-like appearance from the front
prognosis of anencephaly
- most die shortly after moth, have only premie reflexes
- candidate for organ donation
herniation and protrusion of the brain and meninges through the skull. usually the occipital area
spina bifida
the failure of the bony spine to close
the two types of spina bifida
- occulta
2. cystica
cause of spina bifida
- maturnal heat exposure (sauna, hot tub)
- drugs (anti-epileptic, valporic acid)
- familial tendency has been reduce in families when mother takes a B vitamin folic acid supplement before conception
spina bifida occulta
no visible defect
- most common in lumbosacral area
- may appear as a dimple, nevi, dark tufts of hair or soft lipomas
spina bifida cystica
-visible sack-like protrusion, covered with skin or thin membrane
present in SBC
-contains meninges and spinal fluid