Diseases And Disorders Of The Reproductive System Flashcards
The pelvic reproductive organs become inflamed due to bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic invasion. The infection can send to the cervix, the endometrium, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Most common cause is STIs.
Pelvic inflammatory disease
What are the symptoms and signs of pelvic inflammatory disease?
Most common symptom is lower abdominal pain. Other symptoms and signs include fever, unusual vaginal discharge that may have a foul odor, painful intercourse, painful urination, and irregular menstrual bleeding.
What can pelvic inflammatory disease cause?
Can cause serious complications. If untreated, can cause scar tissue formation, which interrupts normal movement of eggs into the uterus. Infertility also can occur if the fallopian tubes are partially blocked or even slightly damaged.
How do you treat pelvic inflammatory disease?
STIs are the main preventable cause. Treatment includes antibiotics, however this treatment does not reverse damage that has already occurred.
Is cancer of the cervix that begins in the lining of the cervix. Carcinoma in situ is the earliest stage of this cancer in which the underlying tissue has not been invaded. The cancer can spread to surrounding organs.
Cervical cancer
What causes cervical cancer?
Most important risk factor is infection by HPV. Women who smoke are twice as likely to get cervical cancer. Is diagnosed through Pap test.
How do you treat cervical cancer?
May include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
Is the most common cancer of the female reproductive system.
Endometrial cancer
What causes endometrial cancer?
Cause is not known. Most endometrial cancers are hormone driven. A shift in the balance between estrogen and progesterone toward more estrogen increases a woman’s risk for having endometrial cancer. Risk factors include total number of menstrual cycles, few pregnancies or infertility, estrogen therapy, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and obesity.
What are the symptoms and signs of endometrial cancer?
Ulcerations develop, and erosion of blood vessels causes vaginal bleeding. Other symptoms include non-bloody vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, and weight loss.
How do you treat endometrial cancer?
Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy are possible treatments.
Benign tumors of the smooth muscle of the uterus, leiomyomas are the most common tumors of the female reproductive system. Range in size from quarter of an inch to the size of a cantaloupe.
Fibroid tumors of the uterus
What are the symptoms and signs of fibroid tumors of the uterus?
Most women do not experience any symptoms, but may include excessive vaginal bleeding, pelvic pressure, abdominal pain, abdominal enlargement, and pain during intercourse.
What causes fibroid tumors of the uterus?
Cause is unknown, although their growth is stimulated by estrogen.
How do you treat fibroid tumors of the uterus?
Birth control pills can decrease the bleeding cause my fibroids. Focused ultrasound surgery destroys fibroids using high-frequency sound waves. Endometrial Appalacian destroys the lining of the address and reduces the amount of bleeding during menstruation. Removal
The ovaries are a common site for cancer to develop, but their position deep in the pelvis makes early detection of the tumor difficult. Extensive metastasis often occurs before there are noticeable symptoms.
Ovarian cancer
What are the symptoms and signs of ovarian cancer?
Bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, trouble eating or feeling full quickly, and changes in urinary urgency or frequency.
What are the risk factors for ovarian cancer?
Age, obesity, early menstruation, late menopause, not having children or having first child after age 30, family history of cancer, and personal history of breast cancer.
How do you treat ovarian cancer?
Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy
Is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women, exceeded only by lung cancer.
Breast cancer
What are the symptoms and signs of breast cancer?
Most common sign is lump or mass. Others include swelling of all or part of the breast, skin irritation and dimpling, breast or nipple pain, nipple retraction, redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin, a discharge other than breastmilk, and the swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit.
What is the cause of breast cancer?
Cause is not known, risk factors include gender, age, and genetic risk factors.
How do you treat breast cancer?
May include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted drug therapy, and hormone therapy. Lump ectomy removes only the breast lump and surrounding margin of tissue. Breast conservation therapy is as effective as mastectomy.
Are the most common benign tumor of the breast. Are solid and firm and are usually painless. Are most common in young women in their 20s and 30s but may occur at any age.
What causes fibroadenomas?
Cause is unknown, and there are no known preventative measures. They often stop growing or even shrink on their own without any treatment, and they may not require removal.
Are tiny, fluid filled sacs within the breast tissue. Are oval or round, smooth and firm, and they move slightly when pressed.
Breast cysts
What causes breast cysts?
Cause is not known, and there are no known preventative measures.
How do you treat breast cysts?
May resolve spontaneously or may need to be surgically removed.
Are characterized by breasts that are lumpy. The cause is not known, but estrogen and progesterone may play a role.
Fibrocystic changes
What are the symptoms and how do you treat fibrocystic changes?
For most women with no symptoms, no treatment is needed. Women with mild discomfort may benefit from wearing a supportive bra or taking OTC pain relievers.
Is the absence of menstrual periods and is known as primary amenorrhea if menstruation fails to begin by age 16.
What causes amenorrhea?
Include chromosomal abnormality’s, problems with the hypothalamus, pituitary disease, lack of reproductive organs, or structural abnormality of the vagina.
What is secondary amenorrhea?
The cessation of menstrual periods, for 3 to 6 months or more, once they have begun.
What causes secondary amenorrhea?
Pregnancy, contraceptives, breast-feeding, stress, medication, chronic illness, hormone imbalance, low bodyweight, excessive exercise, thyroid disorders, pituitary tumor, uterine scarring, and a premature menopause.
How do you treat amenorrhea?
Depends on the cause of amenorrhea may include lifestyle changes related to wait, physical activity, or stress level. If caused by certain glands, may be treated with medications.
Is painful or difficult menses. Prevalence is estimated between 45% and 95% among reproductive age women.
What are the symptoms of dysmenorrhea?
Cramping and dull, severe pelvic and lower back pain that may radiate to other areas.
What causes dysmenorrhea?
Primary dysmenorrhea is caused by prostaglandins. Secondary dysmenorrhea include PID, use of an IUD, uterine fibroid tumors, and endometriosis.
How do you treat dysmenorrhea?
Options include antibiotics, oral contraceptive therapy to regulate and decrease menstrual flow, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain, and surgery to remove fibroid tumors.
Is excessive or prolonged bleeding during menstruation. Is one of the most common gynecologic complaints.
What causes menorrhagia?
Hormonal imbalance, fibroid tumors, lack of ovulation, use of an IUD, pregnancy complications, medications, PID, thyroid disorders, endometriosis, and liver or kidney disease. Sometimes may be unknown.
How do you treat menorrhagia?
Varies according to the cause of the disease and may include iron supplements, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, oral contraceptives, and progesterone. Surgical treatment options include D&C, endometrial ablation or resection, and hysterectomy.
Is bleeding between menstrual periods or extreme irregularity of the menstrual cycle.
What causes Metrorrhagia?
Can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, infection, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, cancer, use of an IUD, thyroid disorders, diabetes, and blood clotting disorders.
How do you treat Metrorrhagia?
Depends on cause of the problem and may include hormone therapy, antibiotics, surgery, and other medications.
Is a group of symptoms that start 1 to 2 weeks before menstruation and cease with the onset of menses.
Premenstrual syndrome
What are the symptoms of PMS?
Breast swelling and tenderness, acne, bloating and weight gain, headache or joint pain, food cravings, irritability, mood swings, crying spells, fatigue, trouble sleeping, anxiety, and depression.
What causes PMS?
Cause is not known, but hormonal changes figure the symptoms.
How do you treat PMS?
No single treatment works for everyone. OTC pain relievers may help ease cramps, headaches, back aches, and breast tenderness. Contraceptives can be used to reduce symptoms.
How do you prevent PMS?
Avoid salt, caffeine, and alcohol; exercising, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, joining a support group, and managing stress may also help with symptoms.
For some women, the symptoms of PMS are severe enough to interfere with their lives. There is evidence that the neurotransmitter serotonin plays a role in this.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
What are the symptoms of PMDD?
Feelings of sadness or despair, suicidal thoughts, feelings of tension or anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, crying, lasting your ability or anger that affects other people, disinterest in daily activities or relationships, trouble thinking or focusing, tiredness or low energy, food cravings or been eating, having trouble sleeping, and feeling out of control.
How do you treat PMDD?
Getting plenty of exercise and rest, eating a well-balanced diet, and managing stress. Antidepressants that same serotonin levels in the brain have been shown to help some women with PMDD.
Is a condition in which endometrial tissue from the uterus becomes embedded outside the uterus. Tissue maybe push through the fallopian tubes or carried by blood or lymph.
What are the symptoms and signs of endometriosis?
Most common symptom is pelvic pain. Other symptoms include diarrhea or constipation, abdominal bloating, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, and fatigue. 30 to 40% of women with this are infertile.
What causes endometriosis?
Etiology is unknown, and cannot be prevented.
How do you treat endometriosis?
May include pain relievers, hormone therapy, and surgery.
Is a pregnancy in which the fertilized ova am implants in the tissue other than the uterus. The most common site is in the fallopian tubes. Rarely occurs in ovary, cervix, and stomach area.
Ectopic pregnancy
What causes ectopic pregnancy?
Usually caused by a condition that blocks or slows the movement or a fertilized eggs in the fallopian tube to the uterus. Some can be due to birth defects of the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, complications of a ruptured appendix, or scarring cause my previous pelvic surgery.
What are the symptoms and signs of an ectopic pregnancy?
Lower abdominal or pelvic pain, mild cramping on one side of the pelvis, amenorrhea, metrorrhagia, breast tenderness, nausea, and low back pain. If area of abdominal pregnancy ruptures, symptoms may get worse and include severe, sharp pain. Internal bleeding may lead to shock.
How do you treat an ectopic pregnancy?
Ectopic pregnancy cannot continue in term, so pregnancy must be terminated with methotrexate that allows the body to reabsorb the pregnancy. If ruptured, a laparotomy is done to stop blood loss and terminate the pregnancy.
Commonly called a miscarriage, is loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. Most result from a genetic abnormality the fetus. Other possibilities of miscarriage include infection, physical problems with the mother, hormone factors, and your responses, or serious systemic diseases.
Spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage
What are the symptoms and signs of spontaneous abortion?
Low back pain or abdominal pain that is dull, sharp, or cramping; vaginal bleeding, and tissue or clot like material discharge from the vagina.
Is a disease that only occurs during pregnancy. Also called pregnancy induced hypertension, and toxemia are essentially interchangeable terms. Occurs in 5-10% of pregnancies.
What are the symptoms and signs of preeclampsia?
Mild preeclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure and presence of protein in the urine. Severe preeclampsia includes headaches, blurred vision, inability to tolerate bright light, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, urinating small amounts, pain in the upper right abdomen, shortness of breath, and tendency to bruise easily. 
What causes preeclampsia?
Cause is unknown. Risk factors include family history of preeclampsia, being pregnant with twins, young maternal age, first pregnancy, and women who had high blood pressure, diabetes, or kidney disease prior to pregnancy.
How do you prevent preeclampsia?
Includes maintaining a healthy weight before pregnancy and taking multivitamins.
How do you treat preeclampsia?
Rest, frequent monitoring of blood pressure and urine, reduced salt intake, and increase water intake is recommended. Severe preeclampsia may be treated with blood pressure medication.
Is diabetes mellitus associated with pregnancy. Increased metabolic demands during pregnancy require more insulin, but certain changes during pregnancy can result in insufficient insulin levels, which results in diabetes.
Gestational diabetes mellitus
What are the signs and symptoms of gestational diabetes mellitus?
Similar to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, but include maternal hypertension, polyhydramnios, excessive weight gain during the last six months of pregnancy, and a fetus large for gestational age.
How do you prevent gestational diabetes mellitus?
Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, not gaining too much weight during pregnancy, and engaging in exercise on a regular basis.
How do you treat gestational diabetes mellitus?
Consists of regular blood glucose monitoring, dietary control of blood glucose levels, weight control, and possible insulin therapy. If untreated, this entails many risks to the mother and fetus.
Is inflammation or infection of the prostate gland. Classified into four categories:
(1) acute bacterial prostatitis
(2) chronic bacterial prostatitis
(3) nonbacterial prostatitis
(4) asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis
What are the symptoms and signs of acute bacterial prostatitis?
comes on suddenly and show fever and chills, flulike symptoms, pain in prostate gland, lower back, or groin; urinary problems, including increased urgency and frequency, dysuria, inability to empty bladder, and blood tinged urine, and painful ejaculation.
What are the symptoms and signs of chronic bacterial prostatitis?
Develop more slowly, usually aren’t as severe as acute prostatitis. Shows frequent and urgent need to urinate, pain or burning sensation when urinating, pelvic pain, nocturia, pain in lower back and genital area, dysuria, oliguria, blood in urine and semen, fever, and bladder infections.
What causes categories three and four prostatitis?
The cause is unknown. Preventing includes good hygiene, maintaining hydration, and seeking early treatment for infections.
How do you treat prostatitis?
Pain relievers in several weeks of antibiotics are treatment for 1 and 2. Category 3 includes Alpha blockers to Ayden urination, pain relievers, and muscle relaxants. Category 4 is found during examination for another condition and does not require treatment.
Is inflammation of the epididymis.
What are the signs and symptoms of epididymitis?
May include testicular swelling on one or both sides, scrotal pain, tenderness in one or both testicles, tenderness in groin, dysuria, painful intercourse or ejaculation, fever, penile discharge, and blood in the semen.
What causes epididymitis?
A number of bacterial organisms can cause epididymitis, including gonorrhea and chlamydia. Also can be urinary infections, anatomical abnormalities, or catheter insertion.
How do you prevent epididymitis?
Abstinence, monogamy, use of condoms and dental dams, and early treatment for infections.
How do you treat epididymitis?
Antibiotics are the treatment for this.
Is inflammation of the testes. The most common cause is mumps. Other causes include bacterial infections or injury.
What are the symptoms and signs of orchitis?
Usually have abrupt onset and include testicular swelling, pain ranging from mild to severe, tenderness, nausea, vomiting, fever, penile discharge, and prostate enlargement and tenderness.
How do you prevent orchitis?
Includes vaccination against mumps, abstinence, monogamy, use of condoms and dental dams, and protective cup over the genitals to guard against mechanical injury.
How do you treat orchitis?
Includes can relievers, NSAIDs, bed rest, elevation and application of cold packs to the scrotum. Bacterial orchitis is treated with antibiotics.
Is not a disease but the failure of the testes to descend from the abdominal cavity, where they develop during fetal life, to the scrotum.
What causes cryptorchidism?
The testicles typically the sand late in fetal development, the eighth month of gestation, The infant born before this time has a greater chance of this disease. Abnormal testicular development usually causes cryptorchidism.
What are the symptoms and signs of cryptorchidism?
The affected testicles frequently have short spermatic artery, poor blood supply, or both. The major sign is not being able to feel one or both testicles in the scrotum.
How do you treat cryptorchidism?
May include hormone therapy or surgery.
Is cancer of one or both testicles and young men. Men have a lump on my testicle that is painless but slightly uncomfortable, or they may notice testicular enlargement or swelling. Men report a sensation of heaviness or aching of the lower abdomen or scrotum.
Testicular cancer
What causes testicular cancer?
Cause is not known. Risk factors include cryptorchidism, Family history of testicular cancer age, and race and ethnicity.
How do you prevent testicular cancer?
Correcting cryptorchidism.
How do you treat testicular cancer?
Treatment includes surgery, radiation, chemotherapy.
Is caused by a coccus bacteria. Is transmitted through sexual contact them during childbirth.
What are the symptoms and signs of gonorrhea?
May take 30 days to appear, and include a burning sensation when urinating, or a white, yellow, green discharge from the penis, and painful or swollen testicles. For women, can be nonspecific mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection.
How do you prevent gonorrhea?
A drop of a erythromycin is routinely place in the eyes of newborn babies. Sexual prevention includes abstinence, monogamy, use of condoms and dental dams, and regular pelvic exams.
How do you treat gonorrhea?
Treated with antibiotics. Drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea or increasing and successful treatment of gonorrhea is becoming more difficult.
Is caused by the spiral shaped bacterium. Is transmitted through sexual contact, through direct contact with syphilis chancre, or during childbirth.
What are the symptoms and signs of syphilis?
Primary stage begins with one or more chancres where bacterium enters the body. Secondary stage marked by a skin rash that is characterized by brown sores about the size of a penny. Rash appears 3 to 6 weeks after the chancre appears. Others that occur are mild fever, fatigue, headache, sore throat, as well as patchy hair loss and swollen lymph glands.
If syphilis is left untreated, it enters the tertiary stage, which affects what?
Bacteria damage to the heart, eyes, brain, nervous system, bones, joints, or almost any other part of the body. This page can last for years or even decades. Can result in mental illness, blindness, neurological problems, heart disease, and death.
What are the symptoms and signs of an infant with congenital syphilis?
Skin sores, rashes, fever, weakened or hoarse crying sounds, swollen liver and spleen, jaundice, anemia, and various deformities.
How do you treat syphilis?
Treated with antibiotics, development of antibiotic resistant strains is a serious threat. Will not repair damage already done.
Is caused by a carcass bacterium. Is most frequently reported bacterial sexually-transmitted infection in United States.
What are the symptoms and signs of chlamydia?
Three quarters of women and half of men are asymptomatic. Women have abnormal vaginal discharge, burning sensation with urinaton, lower abdominal pain, low back pain, nausea, fever, pain during intercourse, or bleeding between menstrual periods. Men have penile discharge, burning sensation with urinating, and the burning and itching of urethral oriface.
What complications can arise from chlamydia?
Women, untreated infection spread to uterus and fallopian tubes and cause PID. Is leading cause of early infant pneumonia and conjunctivitis in newborns. Man complications are rare. Sometimes includes infection of epididymis, causing pain, fever, and infrequently infertility.
How do you treat chlamydia?
Antibiotics are used to treat chlamydia.
Is caused by a protozoan. Is transmitted by sexual contact. Most men are asymptomatic, while women experience symptoms 5-28 days after exposure.
What are the symptoms and signs of trichomoniasis?
Some men temporarily have urethritis, epididymitis, and prostatitis. In women, frothy, yellow-green vaginal discharge with a fishy odor, pain during intercourse and urination, and irritation and itching of the genital area.
How do you prevent trichomoniasis?
Treatment of both partners with antiparasitic medications such metronidazole is effective.
Is caused by the herpes simplex virus type one and type two. Type one can cause genital herpes, but more commonly causes infections of the mouth and lips, called fever blisters. Most gentital herpes is caused by a type two.
Genital herpes
What are the symptoms and signs of genital herpes?
Most people have no or minimal signs. Please include one or more blisters on the genitals. Blisters break, leaving ulcers or tender sores that may take up to four weeks to heal. Other symptoms include fever, itching or burning in the genital area, vaginal discharge, headache, muscle pain, dysuria, and swollen lymph nodes.
What serious consequences can genital herpes have during pregnancy?
Causing spontaneous abortion or premature delivery and infection of the newborn.
How do you treat genital herpes?
There is no treatment to cure, but antiviral medications can shorten outbreaks and make them less severe. Also may decrease transmission of the virus.
Is one of the most common causes of STI in the world. At least 50% women wire. More than 100 different types of this virus.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Genital Warts
What are the symptoms and signs of HPV?
Genital warts are single or multiple growths that appear on the genital area and sometimes are cauliflower shaped. These can appear on the vulva, I’m or around the vagina and anus, cervix, and on the penis, scrotum, groin, or thigh.
How do you treat genital warts?
Can be removed by medications, electrocautery, cryosurgery, and laser surgery. There is no cure for HPV.
What are the symptoms and signs of menopause?
Hot flashes, sweats, trouble sleeping, Moodswings, trouble focusing, hair loss or thinning, facial hair growth, and vaginal dryness.
What are the symptoms and signs of uterine prolapse?
Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area, incontinence, and lower back pain.
What are the symptoms and signs of rectocele?
Include discomfort, constipation, and incontinence.
Is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American men.
Prostate cancer
What causes prostate cancer?
Cause is not known. Age is strongest risk factor.
What are the symptoms and signs of prostate cancer?
Dull pain in the pelvic area, urgency of urination, difficulty starting urination, dysuria, weakened urine flow, intermittent flow, sensation bladder does not empty, painful ejaculation, general pain in lower back, hips, and upper thighs. Loss of appetite and weight.
How do you treat prostate cancer?
Includes surgery, radiation, and hormone therapy.
What causes erectile dysfunction?
May be caused by psychological factors. Dilation of penile arteries to the penis that leads to engorgement if erectile tissue and then erection is is under control of the nervous system, which is affected by stress, anxiety, and fear. May be physiological, caused by diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
How do you treat erectile dysfunction?
Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis prevent the breakdown of nitric oxide, the chemical messenger that promotes relaxation and opening of the blood vessels that supply erectile tissue in the penis.
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