DIRECRIVE 4.15 Flashcards
- Gender
- A persons actual or perceived sex.
- Transgender
- An umbrella term. Referring to individuals whose gender is different from what society expects that person to be at birth
- What terms are included under transgender
- Intersex individual
- Cross dresser
- Transsexual
- Intersex individuals
- Individuals who are born with physical characteristics that make their biological sex ambiguous
Cross dressers
Individuals whose identity marches their birth assignment sex. But who sometimes prefer to wear clothing not traditionally associated with their sex. They are NOT living as members of the opposite sex
Refers to individuals who wish to change or have changed their birth assigned sex, through hormones , surgery , or physical procedures
Most transgender prefer the term transgender. Not transsexual
Gender identity
Self perception , or perception by others , as male or female based on appearance , behavior , or physical characteristics that may conflict with the persons anatomy
Gender expression
The actual perceived identity of a person as being male or female. Term refers to persons self identification as male or female. Or perceptions by others.
Expression includes the outward manifestations of an individual’s gender, including behavior , dress, and appearance
Sexual orientation
Persons sexual preference
- How will officers treat transgenders
- In a manner appropriate to the individuals gender or gender identity/expression
- If officers are uncertain of a persons gender. What should they do
- When asked by a person. How Will the officer address them
- Respectfully ask the individual for clarification.
- Address the individual by the name based on their gender identity. Rather then the name on their government issued identification
- How will a transgender persons gender be classified , when they are arrested
- Classified by as it appears on the individuals government issued identification card
- For purposes of listing gender in citations , arrest reports , or other documentation. What gender will the officer use
- The gender listed on the most recent records in the government database , starting with BMV
- How will a transgender persons gender be classified , when they are arrested and have had gender confirming / affirming surgery regardless or what their government identification says
- A male to female will be processed as a female
2. A female to male. Will be processed as a male.
- How will a transgender persons gender be classified , when they are arrested and DO NOT have government identification.
- If the individual states they have make genitajia, they will be classified as a male.
- If they do not have make genitalia , they will be classified as a female
- How will a transgender persons gender be classified , when they are arrested if they do not have identification and will not speak
Contact a supervisor
- How will a transgender persons gender be searched ,when they are arrested
- What if the identification card is unavailable
- Refer to the government issued identification card and continue as regular
- Refer to information in bmv
- How will a transgender persons be searched when they are arrested if they state they have female genitalia , and do not have government identification
- If they state they are male
- Searched by a female
2. Searched by a male
- When searching a transgender , and they request a department member of their gender identity or expression to he present. What will the officer do
Who should it be
- Have them present. When practical it should be a supervisor
- How will transgender individuals be transported by police
- They will be transported alone. Whenever practical
- When requested by the individual during transporting. Who will be present during the transport.
- A member of the persons gender identity
- When transporting a transgender from one police facility to a prison and they request. How will they be transported
- How will they be transported during mass arrests or multiple arrests. Or when it’s not practical to transport separately
- Separately from male and female prisoners. When practical
- According to their gender classification
- Where will transgender individuals be placed inside the cell room
- When practical. By themselves in a single cell
- How is a transgenders gender information documented in police reports.
- If they claim different how will it be listed
- As it appears in their government issued identification.
2. Any other name used will be listed as an alias
- What if a transgender requires immediate medical care including hormone therapy.
- They will be transported to the nearest medical facility
- When releasing a transgenders information to the media. How will police refer to the transgender person
- What type of pronouns should be used
- Refer to the persons using the name of their gender identity. NOT WHAT IS ON THEIR GOVERNMENT ID.
- Pronouns requested by the individual. Him her she
- When releasing a transgenders information to the media. In a case of the transgenders death , how will police refer to the transgender
- If there is government identification available.
- What if the next of kin gives conflict in info
- If government issued identification exists. Use the name based on their government identification.
- Still use the info on the government id
- When releasing a transgenders information to the media. When the transgender is dead.
And no government identification exists.
- Use the name given by the next of kin and from friends. (Known to next of kin as Jane doe, known to friends as John Doe )
- What is the best and most respectful thing for an officer to do when dealing with transgenders
- Respectfully ask for the individuals name and pronouns
Transgender man
Person who was born female but knows himself to be s man and lives as a man
Transgender woman
Person born as a male. Who knows them self to be a female and lives as a female.