Lay witness
Witnesses who are not expert witnesses
The police practice of allowing witness’s witnesses or victims to view several suspects for identification purposes
Link analysis
A charting technique designed to show relationships between individuals and organizations using a graphic visual design
A blood stain on the body of a deceased person
Usurious loans made to people for exorbitant interest rates, whose payment is enforced by the use of violence
Locard exchange principle
Holds that the perpetrator of a crime will bring something into the crime scene and leave with something from it, and that both can be used as forensic evidence
Logic bomb
A set of instructions inserted in a computer program that looks for specific errors in a computers normal functioning
London metropolitan police
England’s first paid, full time police force, so sitting of about 1,000 uniformed officers
Identity theft
A form of stealing someone’s identity in which someone pretends to be someone else by assuming that persons identity, typically in order to access resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that persons name
Sexual relations between children and their parents
Indirect evidence
Evidence that tends to incriminate a person without offering conclusive proof
Inductive reasoning
Also know as induction, is a kind or reasoning that constructs or evaluates general propositions that are derived from specific examples
Inevitable discovery doctrine
A legal doctrine stating that illegally seized evidence is admissible in court provided that eventually it would have been discovered anyway
An attempt to penetrate a group or organization in a covert manner
Anyone who provides information of an investigative nature to law enforcement authorities
Inside team
A surveillance team responsible for briefing officers concerning their actions if a crime occurs
Initial page
An at a glance summary of an investigation
Integrated automated fingerprint identification system (IAFIS)
A national automated fingerprint identification and criminal history system maintained by the federal bureau of investigation. IAFIS provides automated fingerprint search capabilities, latent searching capability, electronic image storage, and electronic exchange of fingerprints.
Intelligence gathering
The covert process of gathering information on criminal activity
International child abduction remedies act
A U.S. Federal law. Establishes procedures to implement The Hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction done at that Hague on October 25, 1980 and for other purposes.
International terrorism
Violent acts or acts that are a danger to human life that are a violation of the criminal law of the United States and any other state or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or Any state.
The systematic questioning of a person suspected of involvement in a crime for the purpose of obtaining a confession
Intimate or former intimate stalking
When a stalker and victim were married or divorced, current or former lovers, serious or causal sexual partners, or former sexual partners.
Investigative psychology
A new field that attempts to describe the actions of offenders and to develop an understanding of crimes
Involuntary manslaughter
The unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethaought, either express or implied
A set of ideologies holding that Islam is not only a religion but also a political system and that modern Muslims must return to their roots of their religion and unite politically
False confession
An admission of guilt in a crime in which the confessor is not responsible for the crime
Face sheet
An at a glance summary of the investigation
Facial composite
A graphical representation of an eyewitness’s memory of a face, as recorded by a composite artist
Fact witness
A witness who has personal knowledge or events pertaining to a case and can only testify to things he personally has observed
Family abduction
An abduction related to a domestic or custody dispute
Field interview card
Method of documenting information on the street
Federal kidnapping act
Following the historic Lindbergh kidnapping the US congress adopted a federal kidnapping statute - known as the federal kidnapping act.
A category of crime that is of a more serious nature than a misdemeanor, usually punishable by more then a year in prison up to death penalty
A person who buys and sells stolen property with criminal intent
Fungible goods
Items such as tools, liquor, and clothing that are indistinguishable from other like them
Fugitive felon act
Unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. Though drawn as a penal statute , and therefore permitting prosecution by the federal government for its violation, the primary purpose of the fugitive felon act is to permit the federal government to assist in the location and apprehension of fugitives from state justice.
Frye test
A legal standard used to determine the admissibility of scientific evidence
Theft by receipt
Fruit of the poisonous tree
A legal metaphor in the United States used to describe evidence that is obtained illegally
A term used to describe an arrested person who chooses to work for the government in the capacity as an informant
Fleeing felon rule
A legal doctrine, no longer in effect , allowing police officers to shoot suspected felons.
Fixed surveillance
Observing from a stationary location
Flash description
An emergency radios broadcast generally made by the first officer to reach a crime scene, to other officers in the area, in which descriptions of the suspect and his or her vehicle are commentated.
Forward looking infrared
A surveillance technology that measures radiant energy in the radiant heat portion and displays readings as thermographs
Forensic photography
Referred to as forensic imaging or crime scene photography, is the art of productions an accurate reproduction of a crime scene or an accident scene using photography for the benefit of a court or to aid in an investigation
Fixated child molester
One whose primary sexual orientation is toward children and whose socio-sexual maturation develops as a result of unresolved conflicts in his development
First degree murder
A form of homicide that includes premeditation and prep planning
Forensic pathology
concerned with determining get the cause of death by examination of a corpse.
Forensic entomology
The scientific study of insects. Commonly used to determine the time of death
Forensic dentistry
Examination of dental records
Forensic chemistry
The application of chemistry to law enforcement to reveal what chemical changes occurred during an incident, and so help reconstruct the sequence of events.
Forensic autopsy
A postmortem examination, necropsy, autopsia cadaverum, or obduction - is highly specialized surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of death and to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present
Forensic anthropology
The study of a victims remains in advanced stages of decomposition. Bones
Forcible rape
A type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse, which is initiated by one or more persons against another person without that persons consent.
Fire triangle
What a fire needs to burn. Ex…….heat, fuel, and oxygen.
Finished sketches
A completed crime scene sketch drawn to scale
The anatomical sense, is a mark made by the pattern of ridges on the pad of a human finger.
Field operations
The wide array of police patrol duties
Field notes
An investigators most personal and readily available record of the crime scene search
Field interview
Interviewing technique used when patrol officers happen on people or circumstances that appear suspicious but when there is not sufficient cause for arrests
Over saturating entire regions with drug money is one of the more sinister and surreptitious types of drug related crimes
An informational tracking system that demonstrates a chain of events or activities over a period of time.
Follow up investigation
A continuing phase of the investigation in which information that is learned in the preliminary investigation is added to or built on
Surreptitious ores actions
Support officer
A surveillance officer, sometimes called an intelligence , cover, or tactical officer, who works in plainclothes and who works with the undercover unit but not in an undercover capacity
Super zapping
A macro or utility program used in most IBM mainframe computer centers as a systems tool that enables thieves to tinker with the or gram so that checks can be issued to their private accounts
The deliberate taking of ones own life
Strong arm robbery
A face to face robbery of a victim where by no weapon is used
Stop and frisk
When an officer stops and searches a person for weapons
Stripping operation
A criminal endeavor in which stolen vehicles are disposed of
Street robbery
Robbery committed on public streets and alleyways
Strategic intelligence
Information that provides the investigator with information as to the capabilities and intentions of target subjects.
Stranger stalking
When the stalker and victim do not know each other
Stick up
An alternate term for robbery
Statutory rape
A term that refers to sexual societies in which one person is below the age required to legally consent to the behavior
A term commonly used to refer to unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person
Numerous acts occurring in a short span of time
Another term for stationary or fixed surveillance
Span of the fire
Physical characteristics of an arson fire such as smoke, direction, flames, and distance
The medium on which information is stored, such as computer tapes and floppy disks
Amateur pilfered who are usually respectable persons who do not perceive of themselves as thieves yet are systematic shoplifters who steal merchandise for their own use rather then for resale
When money launders go to different banks and purchase cashiers checks in denominations of less the 10,000 dollars for the purpose of bypassing the reporting requirement
Smash and grab robbery
A type of robbery where by the robbers approach a car, break the window, and hold up the driver at gunpoint.
Situational molester
Child molester who commits such crimes because of one of several external factors. These include intoxications, drug abuse, mood, or mental conditions and other social conditions.
Simultaneous lineup
A lineup procedure whereby the eyewitness views all the people or photos at the same time.
Salami technique
An automated form of the Trojan horse method, where small amounts of assets/money are taken from specified accounts or sources and where the whole appears to be unaffected.
Salvage switch
When a car thief purchases a wrecked vehicle that is unrepairable, strictly for its certificate of title and for the vehicle identification number
Criminals who defraud, for example attempt to obtain prescriptions for controlled drugs
A procedure used in computer crime whereby the criminal presents sequentially changing information to an automated system to identify those items receiving a positive response
Scene conscious
When the crime scene investigator becomes aware of the Crime scene situation and is prepared to take certain immediate actions
School robbery
Instances of petty extortion or shakedowns of students and teachers in public schools
Scope of the search
An officers authority to search incident to arrest
Scotland Yard
One of the first criminal investigative bodies originally formed in England in the mid nineteenth century
Search and seizure
A legal procedure used in many civil law and common law legal systems where by police or other authorities and their agents, who suspect that a crime has been committed, do a search of a persons property and confiscate any relevant evidence to the crime
Search warrant
A legal document enabling a police officer to search
Search warrant return
An itemized inventory of all property and material seized by officers at the location of the search
Second degree murder
A form of homicide where the suspect intended unsuccessfully to kill their victim
Seed money
Money required to initiate an under cover drug transaction
Self defense
To protect oneself from harm
Sensational murder
A series or group of murders that arouse the interest of the general public
Serial murder
A sequence of murders in which there is a time break between victims of two days to several months
The scientific analysis of blood
Sequential lineup
A police lineup method where by people or photographs are presented to a witness one at a time.
Sexual assault
An assault of the sexual nature on another person, or any sexual act committed without consent
Sexual battery
A criminal offense involving unlawful physical contact, distinct from assault which is the apprehension, not fear, of such contact.
Shaken baby syndrome
A medical term for murder of infants who are violently shaken
A common form of theft involving the taking of goods from retail stores
Show up
A type of lineup where only one suspect is shown to the victim or witness
Simple arson
The burning of property that does not result in such a risk to human life
Simple assault
Threats by one person to cause bodily harm or death to another or purposely inflicting bodily harm on another.