Who is in charge of s hazmat scent.
The highest ranking fire officer present will be the incident / scene commander
Who is the lead agency for all hazmat situations in Philadelphia
Who is the incident commander
Philadelphia fire department
The highest ranking fire officer on the scene is the incident/scene commander
What are the 3 hazmat zones
- Hot zone- contaminated zone.
- Warm zone - decontamination area.
- Cold zone. The scene perimeter.
Who is the only personnel allowed in the hot zone.
Who is the only person allowed in the warm zone
Firefighters and the EPA.
Firefighters, the EPA , and personally approved by the incident commander
During a hazmat incident where should you be stationed
What should be prohibited at A hazmat scene
At a safe distance and upwind.
- Eating.
- Drinking.
- Smoking.
- Use of flares.
- Car engine off
- Vehicle away drum scene
3 basic missions for police arriving at A hazmat scene.
- Secure scene.
- Render first aid. When safe
- Identify the suspected hazardous material.
How is s hazmat scene treated
As a cribs scene
The following hazmats are handled by whom:
- Hazmat carried has a chemical release but no auto accident.
- Hazmat carrier involved in an auto accident with NO Chemical release.
- Hazmat carrier involved in an auto accident with a chemical release.
- All other hazmats.
- The the detective division.
- Aid
- Aid does the accident and the detective division investigates the chemical release
- The detective division
Who does the detective first report to at a hazmat scene
When can a hazmat scene be processed by the detective.
What should the detective obtain at the completion of the incident.
Who will conduct further investigation into the hazmat.
The highest ranking on scene police commander.
Only After clearance by the overall incident commander
The chronological log of events
The bomb disposal unit
How long must the district of occurrence for s hazmat scene provide security.
What if it’s longer then that
Police are responsible for the first 24 hours of security
Memo to the commissioner explaining what is needed
Who is the lead investigative agency for all incidents of accidental or intentional nerve agent and or organophosphate release that involve criminal activity or suspected terrorism.
Who will represent the Philadelphia police department
The FBI.
Homeland security bureau commanders.
Police personnel will escort vehicles carrying what ?
Over what amount
Over 1000 pounds.
Who is in charge of investigating any explosives.
What if there is loss of life
Who will investigate a bomb scare at any location where no bomb has been discovered
The bomb disposal unit. And the detective division of occurrence
The homicide unit with tech support from the bomb disposal unit
The detective division of occurrence
Who is responsible for evacuating a building when there is a bomb scare
Who is responsible for evacuating s building when an explosive is located or when an explosion goes off
Who is responsible for examining and rendering safe and disposing of an explosive
The owner or manager of the building
The highest ranking police department supervisor on scene
The bomb disposal unit
What will the police department activate for an explosive or explosion.
Who will be the incident commander
Who can relieve the Incident commander.
If necessary for an officer to use s cell phone or radio during s bomb scare what two conditions must be met
The incident command system (Ics).
The first supervisor from regional operations command to arrive at the scene
A person or higher rank from ROC or CIB.
Must be 100 feet away and behind cover
What does the officer do if a device is found
What is a safe perimeter when an explosive device is found
Cease all operations and searches
Minimum of 100 yards.
When an officer responds to an explosion what is system is utilized
NIMS - national incident management system
The assigned detective will prepare what whenever there is a bomb scare or found explosive.
What will be included on that
The detective will then.
- Exact time of call.
- Sex of caller.
- Exactly what the caller said
- Type of voice.
- Results of the investigation.
- Receive copy of CHRONOLOGY of events log.
- Give copy to the bomb disposal unit
- Contact real time crime center for surveillance.
When a detainee in the hospital give s statement to investigators. Who ensures that the statement is sent to DACU.
In what period of time
The investigative unit supervisor.
Within the expiration of the 6 hour rule
When does the ORS notify internal affairs about s prisoner who is in the hospital.
- If he was injured by police.
2 admitted to a hospital while in custody
Who must be notified of a prisoner in custody in order to have detainees fingerprinted.
For what detainees in the hospital are they notified.
Records and identification.
For detainees in the hospital longer then 24 hours
Who will ultimately decide if s prisoner in the hospital will continue to be handcuffed.
The police supervisors
Who is allowed to visit an arrested person in the hospital
What must be provided first.
What happens to the visitor before admittance
Mother. Father. Wife. Husband. Attorney.
Proper photo identification.
They are frisked and searched. Then the prisoner is searched when they leave
What is a detainee in the hospitals time limit with visitors.
What is it with his attorney.
Brief and according to the hospital regs.
there is not limit