DIASS Flashcards
Lesson 6 and 7
Defines social work as a response to a
concern or need, a creative blending of knowledge, values and
skills a problem solving process an intervention into human
transactions and a developing profession.
Defines social work as an art, a science and a profession. As an art social work requires great skills to understand people and to help them help themselves. As a science it requires the use of problem solving methods and objectivity in ascertaining facts and in developing principles and operational concepts. It is a profession because it encompasses the attributes of a profession.
Farley, smith and Boyle (2003)
states that social work is the professional activity of helping individuals, groups or communities, enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal.
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
The definition also introduced the concept of _________ ________, which Sheafor and Horejsi (2003, 5) refers to as key
in understanding the unique focus of social work and
distinguishes it from other helping professions.
Social Functioning
is defined as the match between the needs
and abilities of individuals and the opportunities and demands
of the environment (mact,1992). It relates to living up to the
expectations made by the self, the immediate social community
and the society at large of an individual (Du Bois & miley,2005)
Social Functioning
focuses not just on theindividual, but Also on his environment. A supportive, enhancing and sustaining environment helps produce socially functioning individuals. Conversely a dysfunctional environment may cause individuals to be socially dysfunctional. Del castillo (2010) explains that when people cope or live in a dysfunctional situation, they may perform roles or functions the negative environment but without some or all of the elements mentioned by skidmore
Social Work
is a practice based profession and an academic discipline
that promotes social change and development, social cohesion and the empowerment and liberation of people.
Social Work
________ is very much influenced by Judeo-Christian philosophy, which espouses humanitarianism. Its practice is based on the belief that every human being has dignity and worth. From this belief emanates the core values and principles that guide the practice of social work.
Social Work
these values reflect how we view human nature and change examples of these are respect for the inherent worth and dignity of the person and the importance of human relationships.
Values about People
these values pertain to the conditions and processes in society that would make it possible for people to achieve their full potential. Examples of these are democracy, social responsibility, social justice, inclusion (non-discrimination) and gender equity.
Values about Society
these values reflect the kind of performance and ethical standards social workers must adhere to in the practice of social work.
Values about Professional Behavior
social work is a commitment to help people in need and to
address social problems. The services provided in social work aims to inspire change that support people and that contributes to the
betterment of every individual’s quality of life
social work challenges social injustice. According to Segal et al.(2004,20-21) working for social justice means “striving to create a society in which all people REGARDLESS OF RACE, ETHNICITY, RELIGION, GENDER, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, ECONOMIC STATUS, AGE AND PHYSICAL OR MENTAL ABILITY, HAVE THE SAME BASIC RIGHTS AND OPPORTUNITIES AND CAN DEVELOP TO THEIR FULLEST POTENTIAL
Social Justice
Importance of Human Relationships
the practice of social work requires an application
of theories, skills and expertise in the workings of the
individual and of society. the acquisition of social work
competencies does not end with professional certification.
According to segal (2004,21), social work is a lifelong
professional pursuit. An effective social work practice should be
based on social work knowledge that is updated and relevant to
the changing times and challenges of the profession
rooted in the core values of
social work are the practice principles that govern every
interaction between the social work practitioner and the
client. These principles are acceptance, self determination,
affirming individuality, confidentiality and workers
Social Work Practice Principles
the principle of acceptance refers to the
practitioners recognition and authentic interest in the client’s
individual qualities, rights and needs. This principle is
demonstrated through the manner by which practitioners serve
their clients such as through empathic listening and responding
and by establishing an atmosphere of mutual respect.
this principle is based on the recognition
that clients have the right and capability to make their own
decisions. Social workers can only facilitate but not
manipulate the client’s decision making process.
- this principle is based on the premise
that every individual is different. In putting this principle into
practice, social workers are expected to accept client without bias
and prejudice, avoid making labels and attributing stereotypes
to clients and acknowledge and value client diversity.
Affirming Individuality
the essence of this principle is the right of
every individual to privacy. The social worker is duty-bound to
seek the consent of the client before disclosing any data about
his identity, the nature of his case, and the content of
discussions between him and the social worker.
a social worker must be conscious of
his values, beliefs, biases, and prejudices. After all before social
worker can begin to understand others they must understand
themselves first. By being self-aware, social workers can
effectively adjust their thought processes and sensitivities when
dealing with clients with diverse problems and from different
Worker’s Self-Awareness
this principle is based on the reality
that individual rights can be protected only if each member of
the community commits to taking responsibility of his
fellowmen and the environment.
Collective Responsibility
- as a case manager, social workers
assume the following responsibilities assess the needs of clients
arrange and coordinate the delivery of essential goods and
services to target beneficiaries work directly with clients to
ensure that the goods and services are delivered in a timely
manner and maintain close contact with clients and service
providers to ensure proper and timely service deliveries
(Hepworth, larsen, and rooney 2002, 30)
Case Manager/Coordinator
social workers link client systems such as individuals,
families, groups and communities to needed resources and
services. A municipal social worker who rescued a child victim
of sexual abuse, for example, may refer her client to an ngo
catering to children victims of sexual abuse for case
social workers provide guidance to clients and assist
them in solving problems and in making life changing
decisions. For instance a social worker may help teenage client
deal with his gender identity issues.
social workers educate clients to help them gain
knowledge and skills to address their problems. For instance a
social work practitioner may teach a community leader how to
assess community needs and assets.
Social workers facilitate group discussions and
activities. For instance a social worker may organize a support
group for women victims of domestic violence
social workers help resolve arguments and
disagreements among client systems in conflict. For instance a
social worker may mediate between parents and hospital
administrators to discuss about hospital policies found to be too
stringent by the complaining party.
social workers identify and organize human,
material, technical and financial resources to help address the
needs of their clients. One example is of a social worker
engaging the youth to help in community projects for
addressing illiteracy.
Social workers speak on behalf of their clients to
promote fair and equitable treatment or to gain access to
resources. Social workers for example may represent clients in
accessing state benefits or in advocating for increased funding
from institutions to meet the needs of the vulnerable people.
in this kind of job social
workers do not focus on the addiction, they relate this problem
in the environment because people get addicted due to friends,
places, and life situations, also social workers work with a team
of licensed professional to help the person in need.
Substance misuse and addictions
this kind of work
focuses on the old people, social workers on this field work in
nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, hospitals and adult
daycare center, also social workers help clients access to services
designed to help them maintain independence at home, receive
medical care and treatment, gain economic assistance, and
receive counseling services.
Social work in aging and gerontology
also called child welfare focuses
on the protection of children and other family members,
sometimes when a child is neglected they are recommended to
go to foster care or other permanent home.
Child and family social work
also called correctional
treatment specialists, this work focuses on inmates to help them
improve their ways, reduce anger, depression and others,
sometimes they go to court as expert witnesses.
Justice and corrections social work
this work focuses on helping people
with disabilities, like down syndrome, cerebral palsy mental
retardness and epilepsy to have normal lives and link them to
special services like counseling and rehabilitation.
Developmental disabilities
The role of the social
worker here is to advise people about the jobs they want at the
same time ask businesses to help them more efficient and
Employment and occupational social work
medical/health social workers they treat
people by their social and emotional problems caused by physical
illnesses they also provide case management for promoting
health and disease prevention, generate resources needed to
implement programs for health service delivery.
Healthcare social work
- these social workers are
involved in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of
psychological disorders and mental illnesses such as
schizoprenia, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality
disorder. Social workers on this field advocate on behalf of
clients and their families to ensure proper treatment within the
mental health system.
Mental health and clinical social work
practitioners in international
social work have diverse functions, including directing
services in refugee programs, implementing relief efforts,
facilitating inter-country adoptions and helping developing
countries to formulate service delivery systems. Social workers
in this field understand and appreciate cultural diversity, likes
traveling and has a gift for languages.
International social work
this job is where social workers work in
social welfare agencies, they manage allocation of services, the traits
that they should possess are knowledge of human behavior, social
problems, social work principles and values. Their diverse tasks include policy formulation and goal setting, program design,
implementation, budget development,operations management,
personnel supervision and evaluation, fund development, resource
allocations and public relations.
Management administration
this work focuses on policy and planning
of social workers, they plan what kind of social welfare
programs should be in place, the categories of clients that should
be served and who qualifies for a given program (ashman 2007,
208) they are involved in improving systems to better address
the clients problems such as child abuse, homelessness and
substance abuse, by proposing legislation, conducting research
and suggesting new approaches and programs
Policy and planning
______as a response to a
concern or need, a creative blending of knowledge, values and
skills a problem solving process an intervention into human
transactions and a developing profession
social work
as an art, a
science and a profession. As an art social work requires great
skills to understand people and to help them help themselves. As
a science it requires the use of problem solving methods and
objectivity in ascertaining facts and in developing principles
and operational concepts. It is a profession because it
encompasses the attributes of a profession.
s social work
Core vAlues of social work
Values about people
Values about society
Values about professional behavior
The key values of social work
-Social justice-
-Social work practice principles-
-Affirming individuality -
-Worker’s self awareness-
-Collective responsibility-