21st cent (First Quarter) (1st sem) (Pre-lims) (2nd Lesson) Flashcards
When was Pre-colonial?
(-BC to 1564)
- battle of wits among participants.
- effective ways to inculcate the ability of logical thinking of a child.
Riddles (bugtong)
Words for Riddles in Cebu, Ilonggo, and Bicol
Tigmo(Cebu), Paktakon(Ilonngo), Patotdon(Bicol)
Riddles in tagalog
Wise saying that contain a metaphor used to teach as a food for thought.
Proverbs (salawikain)
Proverbs in tagalog.
Filipino version of Japanese’s Haiku: a mono. riming heptasyllabic quatrain expressing insights and lessons on life is more emotionally charged than the terse proverb and thus has affinities with the folk lyric.
Used in witchcrafts and enchantments
usually by the old to impart experiences, or
by the community in tribal ceremony.
Pre-Colonial Oral Literature (4)
Riddles (bugtong)
Proverbs (salawikain)
Pre-Colonial Literary Forms
Folk Songs
Folk Tales
a form of fold lyric which expresses the
hopes and aspirations, the peoples lifestyles
as well as their loves
Folk Songs
- lullaby
a. Hele or oyayi
-7-syllable per line
that are about human relationships and
social entertainment.
b. Ambahan (Mangyan)
-work songs that depict
the livelihood of the people.
c. Kalusan (Ivatan)
- drinking song
d. Tagay (Cebuano and Waray)
- song of lamentation
for the dead
e. Kanogan (Cebuano)
- explain how the world was created, how certain
animals possess certain characteristics, why
some places have waterfalls, volcanoes,
flora or
Explain the origins of things
Legends (Alamat)
Used an animal characters and allegory
deal with underworld characters
Fantastic stories
these are narratives of sustained legth based
on oral tradition revolving around supernatural
events or heroic deeds.
- It has two distinct classifications: religious and secular.
- It introduced Spanish as the medium communication.
Spanish Colonization Period
-religious lyrics written by Ladino
poets or those versed in both
Spanish and Tagalog were included
in early catechism and were used to
teach Filipinos the Spanish language
Religious Literature
- long narrative poem about the passion
and death of Christ.
“Ang Mahal na
Passion ni Jesu Cristong Panginoon
Natin’’ by ________________
Gaspar Aquino de Belen
- dramatization of the pasyon, it shows
the passion and death of Christ.
- colorful tales of chivalry made for
singing and chanting.
- metrical tale written in octosyllabic
- written to prescribe proper decorum.
Prose Narrative
- he was the foremost exponent of the
komedya during his time.
Jose Dela Cruz
Jose Dela Cruz’s nickname
Huseng Sisiw
- he was popularly called Balagtas, he is the
acknowledged master of traditional Tagalog
Francisco Baltazar
Nationalistic/Propaganda and revolutionary period
(Literary Forms)
Propaganda Literature
Reformatory in objective
Propaganda Literature
- satires, editorials and news articles were written
to attack and expose the evils of Spanish rule.
Political essays
Who founded Diariong Tagalog?
Marcelo H. Pilar
editor-in-chief of La Solidaridad is
Graciano Lopez Jaena
- more ‘‘propagandastic’’ than literary
as it is more violent in nature and
demanded complete independence for
the country.
Revolutionary Literature
- helped inflame the spirit of revolution.
Political Essays
Who edited Kalayaan?
Emilio Jacinto