Deputy 6 Support Services Flashcards
What is used now instead of petty cash?
IFB (Invitation for bid) for ____, RFP (Request for Proposal) for ____
- IFB for commodities
- RPF for services
For Purchase Orders over what amount need 3 quotes?
$5,000 to $50,000
Where does Supply get their supplies for the weekly want lists?
City Stores
For bids over ______ need approval from the city manager
When a product or service is provided by only one source we can create a contract for that specific vendor and bypass the bidding process
Sole Source
When the department needs a specific brand and no other brand will be acceptable
Sole Brand
Where do all electronic paperwork for TFD_Supply go?
- Charlinda
- Tracy
- DC6
Over what amount is needed to have to go out to bid?