Demography Flashcards
Demography definition
study of the change in the characteristics of a population
LIfe history definition
all the traits that affect an organisms reproduction and survival
Life Table
summarizes demographic characteristics of a population
method: monitor a cohort until they die
a group of individuals of similar ages
Type I survivorship
juveline survivorship is high and most mortality occurs among older individuals
Type II survivorship
the change of dying stays the same regardless of age
Type III survivorship
die at high rates as juveniles and then at much lower rates later in life
potential for a species to produce offspring -> the average number of offspring produced by a female over her lifetime
factors affecting fecundity
- age of sexual maturity
- maximum reproductive age
- number of offspring per gestation period
- amount of parental care
- sex ratio
Immigration definition
number of individuals that moved into a population
emigration definition
number of individuals that moved away from the population
Birth Definition
Number of individuals born into the popuation
Death definition
number of individuals that died int he population
Intrinsic rate of incease
the mmaximum growth rate if conditions are ideal
logistic growth rate equation (solves for growth rate)
r = rmax((K-N)/K)
logistic growth rate equation (solves for change in population)
delta N = rmax * N((K-N)/K)
minimum viable population size
the smallest population size that is likely to survive
gestation period in Type I survivorship curve
gestation period in Type II survivorship curve
gestation period in Type III survivorship curve