Definitions Flashcards
Growth in the proportion of people living in urban areas- as a %
Urban growth
Growth of people living in urban areas
Measured in numbers of people
Central business district
Brownfield site
Land that has previously been build on
Greenfield site
Land that hasn’t previously been built on
Urban pull factor
Things pulling people to urban areas
Rural push factor
Things pushing people away from rural areas to urban areas
The physical characteristics that make up a city including its size and shape and population density and how it is arranged (eg land patterns in diff areas)
Inner city
Area closest to the CBD
World city
An interconnected global economic centres that has a significant influence on the world economy
Urban expansion
Increase in the physical size of an urban place
Measured for each urban place in KM2
Bid price model
A model which shows the structure of a typical urban place I The UK
Counter urbanisation
The movement of people out of the city into the surrounding villages and rural areas
Migration of people from the inner city to the outskirts of cities
Urban resurgence
Movement of people back to the city centre
Process of regeneration by affluent individuals
It usually occurs in deprived inner urban areas
Out of town retailing
Shops and services out of town- less people shop in CBD who can easier access these
Can cause deindustrialisation