Deck 3 Flashcards
Mast cells release their granule content to stimulate inflammation in response to:
antigen binding to IgE on mast cell FceR
For the process of genetic recombination, which enzyme is required?
NADPH require:
Cytokine reaction to cell close to them?
Rearrangement of both BCR and TCR gene segments does NOT:
Result in isotype switching after antigen stimulation of mature lymphocytes
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs act by:
Inhibition of cyclooxygenase
A common feature of all hypersensitivities are:
Somatic hypermutation is a biological mechanism that:
Increases the specificity of antibodies produced by plasma cells
Specific antibodies are readily detectable in serum following primary contact with antigen after:
5-7 days
A fundamental difference between the antigen receptor on B cells (BCR) and on T cells (TCR) is their:
Different requirements for antigen presentation
Antigen entering the body by intravenous or subcutaneous injection activates antigen specific lymphocytes in:
i.v. - spleen
s.c. - lymph nodes
Th2 cells secretes cytokines which:
stimulate proliferation of B cell
Invariant (Ii) chain prevents:
Prevents exogenous peptide binding to class II MHC in the endoplasmic reticulum
Is degraded in the MHC II compartment to CLIP
Clonal selection:
Results in proliferation of antigen-specific lymphocytes
Lymphocytes require their antigen-specificity by:
somatic recombination