DASH ONE - KAP 2 (normal procedures) Flashcards
What is the limitation on the nose wheel strut ?
75-125 mm
Hvad kan øge chancen for bly i cylinderne
At parkere flyet med under 1200 RPM
Under hvilke forhold i luften skal man altid have - Aux. fuel pump - på ?
1) Flyvning under 500’ AGL
2) Airborne utilization of fuel selector and 5 seconds after (no interruption in fuel flow)
3) Fuel fluctuation
Hvor meget skal final speed øges med hvis “Alternate static air” er aktiveret ?
10 kt
Why should you not operate the throttle faster than 2 seconds ?
Can damage counterweights and crankshaft - engine damage.
May cause engine overspeed
Is it allowed to switch off strobe lights in flight ?
If they interfere when flying IMC
Angiv “Starter button” begrænsninger
Engage : 10 seconds Hvad
Cool-down: 20 seconds
6 time max repeat - 30 min cool down
What will happen if right magnetos is turned on before the engine fires
The engine will probably backfire
What can happen when taxiing in slush - how should you taxi ?
You can block the static ports
Taxi as slow as possible
Hvorfor lyser “GEN” caution light muligvis efter “engine start” ?
Kan det accepteres ?
Fordi systemet er lavt på volt
Dette kan accepteres på jorden IKKE ved take-off / i luften.
Før “Engine shut down” skal RPM have været sat til 1200 indtil ___ ?
Olie temperaturen er stabiliseret
normalt er det sket under taxi
If the temperature are high (+40°C) what should you do after landing
Leave aux. fuel pump on
This will help avoid vapors - which can cause a stop in fuel flow.
When increasing power
First ?
Then ?
First enrich mixture
Then follow with throttle
Hvornår må man aldrig
“Lean to peak EGT”
“Max CHT” ?
Ved brug af over 75% power
What may happen when correcting a fuel imbalance by skidding the aircraft ?
May cause spacial disorientation
Wha should be expected when performing take-off with engine oil temperature under normal operating range ( green area ) ?
What should you do as a pilot ?
Higher than normal RPM
Retard propeller lever to 2700 RPM
What is minimum take-off RPM ?
2670 RPM
Hvad er max taxi vind hastighed ?
50 kt.
When should you +5 kts to Base and Final speed ?
Weight above 1050 kg
No flap landing
What will happen to nose wheel after rotation ?
Lock in center position
Hvis man oplever “erratic engine operation” (ikke stabil)
på jorden og det er varmt kan de skyldes ? Hvad gør man ?
Fuel vapor - Tænd Aux. fuel pump
What will happen if the RH magnetos is on when the engine start button is activated ?
The engine will most likely backfire
Engine run up check
Kontrol af “Mixture”
RPM falder og stiger ikke
Hvad indikere det ?
At Mixture er too lean
Under shut down : Hvor længe skal RPM holde 1800 før “Mixture cut-off” ?
15 - 20 sekunder
Hvad skal man gøre hvis de 4 første punkter under “engine run up” ikke er tilfredsstillende ?
Opvarm motoren indtil “Engine oil temperature” er normal
Nyt check
Hvor meget skal final speed øges med under en “no flap” landing ?
5 kt.
What should be done if oil pressure is not 25 psi within 30 seconds ?
Mixture cut off - Stop engine
How can you correct a fuel imbalance ?
Fuel selector - Both on
Skid the aircraft to the side of low fuel
0.5-1 ball width
Hvornår ved man motoren er varm nok ?
Når throttle kører smooth og med rigtig motor respons
Too rapid movement of the throttle may cause _____
Engine over speed.
Hvis den ene fuel måler går op og den anden ned - hvad kan være grunden og hvordan rettes det ?
Fordi fuel selector er “Both on”
Vælg 1 tank og vent 10-15 sekunder.
Hvis GEN caution lyser på jorden skal man være opmærksom på ?
Íkke at lave “rapid engine speed changes”
How many times can you perform Peak lean before T-17 should be ground aborted ?
1 time
When decreasing power
First ?
Then ?
First reduce throttle
Then adjust mixture
Why is ground ops performed on one tank ?
Stop fuel from draining from the vent lines
Engine run up check
Kontrol af “Mixture”
RPM 50 eller over
Hvad indikere det ?
At Mixture er excessively rich
Hvad er MAX RPM på jorden ( bortset fra under take-off)
2500 RPM
How do you perform PEAK LEAN ?
Both magnetos on RPM 2500 Lean to peak EGT Run engine 30-40 seconds at peak Reduce RPM 1200 Mixture Rich
If 25 psi oil pressure is not indicated within 30 seconds of starting the engine you should ?
Stop the engine by cutting the mixture off
(…) Full range throttle movements should be performed over a minimum duration of _____
2 Seconds
Where in the engine is there an increased possibility of lead when parked with less than 1200 RPM
Cylinders and sparkplugs
Hvorfor gennemfører man peak lean og hvordan. ?
Fordi magnetos under “engine run up” ikke var indenfor limits.
Both magnetos on RPM 2500 Peak EGT -> 30-40 sekunder Reduce 1200 RPM Mixture rich