D2.1: Cell and Nuclear Division Flashcards
What is cell division
- one cell into two cells (mitosis and meiosis)
- TERMS: once cell (mother cell) → two cells (daughter cells)
The implications of cell division
- Cells come from Pre-existing cells (Cell Theory)
- Implications: every cell could be traced to the first cells of our being — the zygote (sperm + egg)
- A continuity of life — going back to our origins to the present.
Do all living things reproduce?
They all can reproduce but some might have problems (e.g. infertile humans)
- has the capacity but, depending on the organism themselves, may not have the ability to reproduce
How does bacteria reproduce when they have no nucleus?
- Binary fission
Asexual reproduction
one parent only, genetically identical to the parent (e.g. binary fission)
Some examples of asexual reproduction
- e.g. flatworms can undergo binary fission
- When you cut them, they can produce two offspring
- e.g. hydra
- they use budding, making a mini version, cut off small part → offspring.
- e.g. starfish
- fragmentation, cut off the arm of a starfish, offspring will form from the arm
How do bacteria create genetic variance
bacterias conjugate with each other
Before binary fission
“conjugation” they transfer DNA to each other to create genetic variance, 1 giver and 1 recipient
Describe sexual reproduction
-2 parents -> genetically unique offspring,
- increases genetic variation within species -> ^ chance of favourable traits for survival
- Meiosis form of cell division, cell divides, → 4 daughter cells.
How do we grow?
By increasing our cells (like lego blocks to build a castle)
Why do we produce more cells? Aren’t we grown?:
- for repair and maintenance — platelets for example
- reproduction
- continuity of life — can trace back to our ancestors
- reproduction
- growth
Cytokinesis definition
the cytoplasm is split into two, for each of the daughter cells
Cytokinesis process
When does it begin?: Telophase —After the chromosomes are pulled away to opposite poles so that it can stay on different cells
What is the Proportion of the Mother Cell split?: GENERALLY, Evenly between the daughter cells — the cytoplasm and its contents
Ask Miss
Cytokinesis in animal cells
Forming the cleavage furrow — The plasma membrane “bends inwards”, like cinching an hourglass corset
- Done by a ring of contractile proteins, Actin and Myosin, that are similar to proteins that contract the muscle
Cytokinesis in plant cells
Cell plate formation — making the cell wall
- prior, doubled the organelles, nucleus, etc. – for the two daughter cells
- golgi apparatus produces the vesicles
microtubules are built into “a scaffolding [metaphorically] straddling along the equator” which is used to create a layer of vesicles. The layer of vesicles form platelike structures (cell plates). The vesicles fuse**, creating two layers of plasma membrane** along the equator making new plasma membranes for the two daughter cells (”adjacent to the new dividing walls”)
- microtubules = scaffolding, the vesicles = the bricks, the cell plate = the walls, the two plasma membranes = the finished building
- The vesicles bought pasulubong (pectins and other substances, presumably for the cell wall) for the two cells. To divide its contents, exocytosis between the two new membranes (its like a road that leads to two ways). Both daughter cells get their cellulose. They bring the cellulose to the equator and sent it to the shopee delivery center (ie. the middle lamella)
- Then each cell** builds its own cell wall across the equator**
- the cellulose is transported to the middle lamella because it is what separates the different plant cells
Which is more common? Equal or unequal cytokinesis?
- Most cases: Mother cell split into “equal halves” of daughter cells.
Cytokinesis in onion root cells
- new cell walls have divided the cytoplasm equally but not all cookies come out perfect—some may be unequal
- (so both equal an unequal cell division could happen)
How can unequal cytokinesis occur
can only occur with at least 1 nucleus and 1 mitochondrion.
- so only the ones “luck enough” to gain the non-formable elements (such as mitochondria) to survive.
In onion root cells, cytokinesis is typically equal due to the symmetrical formation of the cell plate, which ensures that both daughter cells receive similar amounts of cytoplasm and organelles. However, the process is not always simultaneous due to the inherent variability in the timing of cell plate formation and the complex nature of plant cell cytokinesis.
Why is mitochondria a “non-formable element”??
The cell cannot produce the mitochondria. Because in the endosymbiosis, the mitochondria is engulfed by the host cell. It’s is own organism so mitochondria can only be produced from pre-existing mitochondria
Yeast reproduces by budding
- Nucleus mitosis
- The formation of a “small outgrowth of mother cell” called a** “bud”** (what does that mean? OHH like, see the second step in the illustration, there’s the formation of a mini version of the mommy cell!)
- It gains a small portion of the cytoplasm and inherits one of the daughter nucleus from the nuclear mitosis
- A division between the two cells (mother and daughter) via the formation of plasma membrane
- After the split there would be two scars: Bud scar (Daughter cell), Birth scar (Mother cell)
Describe the cytokinesis in oogenesis
- an example of unequal cytokinesis
- egg cell –> mature ovym
- genesis: transformation; oo - like yes mom;
- the production of four offspring: 3 polar bodies and one mature ovum
- the mature ovum is the bigger cell who gains everything. There are three small polar bodies because its required to split to 2 cells in cell division
The small polar bodies also serve purpose: to make the mature ovum a haploid
Describe the production of sperm
- unlike oogenesis, the cytoplasm is divided equally
- undergoes meiosis
- Process: Two stages of division
- The first results: two daughter cells
- The second division: four equally sized small cells
- Final results: the four cells mature into mature sperm cells (why there are so many sperm cells)
- But in creating a new cell in general, there must always be two outputs.
I think it’s equal because the journey of the sperm to the egg cell is tumultuous and, to increase the chances of fertilization, the sperm count must be plenty.
Plus, they aren’t the ones to nurse the child so they dont need too much volume unlike the egg cell
Nuclear division
The splitting of a nucleus to produce two neclei offspring
- an organism or a cell (? wording and knowledge) with no nucleus
Why is it bad to be anucleate?
- Cannot synthesize polypeptides/proteins (which has a lot of essential functions)
- no instruction
- nucleolus (from the nucleus) produces the protein-makes/the ribosomes
- Cannot be able to sustain itself
- small lifespan
- e.g. red blood cells can only live for 120 days :(
diploid (2n)
A cell with two sets of chromosomes.
- 1 n/set of chromosome from father and mother
Difference between mitosis and meiosis on terms of function
mitosis is for continuity, meiosis is for change
- mitosis: genetically identical, meiosis: genetic variance
- why?: Meiosis - crossing over
What comes before nuclear division?
DNA replication
- So cell replication needs DNA. Meiosis and Mitosis replicates all of the DNA → the daughter cell can perform any function required.
- why?: because of protein synthesis
What are chromatids?
Two condensed strands of DNA from DNA replication
What does the nucleus contain?
see what i meant by “it”
A long strand of DNA from DNA replication (for yk cell reproduction)
Sister chromatids
- Two strands of the same chromosome that are** genetically identical **
- formed by the DNA replication of a chromosome
- with both copies joined together by a common centromere
- aka homologous
Non-sister chromatids
two different homologous chromosomes (one inherited from each parent)
When can we see DNA in a microscope?
- It’s only when the DNA is condensed into chromatids could we see it through a light telescope
- So the elongated DNA still couldn’t be seen
Relationship between condensation and cell division
- Condensation is part of cell division.
- This is to prevent any damage or “tangles” of the elongated DNA by condensing them to compact “packages” (ie. shorter structures)
- Hence essential for both mitosis and meiosis
Brief review on condensation of DNA
- The DNA is coiled or “supercoiled” (I remember there’s a minor discretion with this term) around a histone protein
- which is in an octet—with one H1 histone protein sealing the coil and making sure it’s still attached to the “backbone” of the coiling (so that it doesn’t ‘fly away’ or curve into a more vulnerable shape ???)
- nucleosome → solenoid fibre → chromatid → chromosome
- which is in an octet—with one H1 histone protein sealing the coil and making sure it’s still attached to the “backbone” of the coiling (so that it doesn’t ‘fly away’ or curve into a more vulnerable shape ???)
Similarities between meiosis and mitosis
- both reproduce cells
- necessary for life (the continuing the existence of species and maintenance of living things)
- The chromosomes are pulled away by microtubules to opposite poles
What does mitosis have but meiosis doesn’t
The chromatids are separated in the first/only stage
- Initially not because of the cohesin loops binding them tgt but it gets cut when the microtubules start to “pull”
What does meiosis have but mitosis doesn’t
The homologous sister chromatids aren’t separated (1st Division of Meiosis)
- Initially together— bound by a chiasmata (a knot-like structure)
- But after they “slide away to the ends of the chromosomes”, the chiamsata breaks
Describe microtubules
- A structure that can be rapidly assembled + disassembled (#ezlyfehacks)
made from tubulin protein
- and they’re small, hence microtubules
- Shaped like a hollow cylinder/tube
- Pull on the kinetochores/the hooks attached to the centromeres of the chromatids
- assembled by the MTOCs (the MicroTubules Organising Centres) located at the poles of the cell
What is PMAT?
Prophase Metaphase Anaphase telophase
- interphase is not part of cell division but it is the process before that (confirmed with Miss My)
- mitosis
Etymology of PMAT
- Pro = before
- Meta = After
- Ana = up
- Telos = finally
- IPMATI (including interphase)
- “I’m Pretty Mad at Teachers Infinitely”
Process overview of PMAT
- Prophase - condensation for the chromosomes (the coiling)
- Metaphase - after condensation, “chromosomes released from nucleus”
- Anaphase - the chromosomes go up to separate poles
- Telos - the final phase — new nuclei and uncoiled DNA
Interphase in Mitosis
- The DNA is already condensed but into two long chromatids
- To prepare for nuclei division
- “Chromosomes are scattered around the nucleus, undiscernible (telling which from which)
- According to Gemini, not yet condensed, that’s why they’re scattered
- Scattered (chromosome all over the nucleus) → condensation to chromatids
-** DNA packaged into shorter structures**
- Not yet the chromosomes?
- Bc IIRC there’s more steps to DNA packaging scientists don’t know aboutdon’t understand fully
- (Nearing the end) The microtubules are being formed @ the MTOCS.
- Because soon to the next phase
- At the end, nucleus divides into two (opposite poles)
- To pull chromosomes for the two daughter cells
- The nuclear membrane disintegrates
- “fastening the seatbelt”
- Microtubules PREPARE to pull away the chromosomes to the opposite poles
- the microtubules attach to the centromeres of the chromosomes
The test of strength/”under tension” (metaphor): Thor, aka the microtubules, has to test his strength by lifting the Hammer (pulling away the chromosomes).
- If the microtubules are “worthy”/”the appropriate/chosen one” (assembled correctly), they can break the cohesin pulls by pulling the chromosomes away
- As preparation, at the end of metaphase, the chromosomes are lined up at the equator
- “Take off” ✈️
- Chromosomes begin to pull away to the opposite poles
- the kinetochrome shortens the microtubules
- detaches tubulin proteins of the microtubules to move the chromosomes to the opposite poles
- Kineto - movement (engine)
- chrome - as in chromosomes
- because it helps make the chromosomes move
- detaches tubulin proteins of the microtubules to move the chromosomes to the opposite poles
- the kinetochrome shortens the microtubules
- At the end, they landed to their destination (the poles aka the two nuclei) but not yet decondensed (has not yet “loaded off”)
- “Leaving the plane”
Decondensation + the splitting of the cytoplasm
- First, they leave by “seat”
- The chromosomes are packed into “tight groups” near the MTOC (why?) —> decondense as chromatin → “disperse” / scatter inside the nucleus (like how the attendees of the plane leave as a group but split when they enter the airport)
- First, they leave by “seat”
- The chromosomes found their “hotels”/new home (respective nuclei)
Interphase (II)
- Chilling in the hotel room” / “making themselves home”
- Protein-making!
- To produce the protein needed to make the different components of the cell.(making the furniture)
- So transcription and translation
- The cell gets a growth spurt / G1 Phase
- Doubles in size prior to the next mitosis
- Enzymes and other proteins produced that contribute in growth (e.g EGF which starts cell growth + cell proliferation → inc in cell count)
- Organelle synthesis
- e.g. ribosomes + the rER make proteins so they can make the proteins responsible for cell growth, mitochondria gives energy to the cell for these processes
- Doubles in size prior to the next mitosis
- the same sequence of genes (i.e. genetically identical), paired up
- But allele wise, they can be different
- Same positions on the chromosome
very long but “condensed” DNA molecule, has some associated proteins
variations of the same gene
E.g. Gene = eye colour; Alleles = brown, green, blue eye colors
Haploid (n)
- something that has a single set of chromosomes, non-homologous
- Non-homologous: Each chromosome is unique from one another
- “something”= a nucleus, cell or organism (basically anything that can contain genetic material)
Diploid (2n)
- something that has a double set of chromosomes
- Chromosomes in couples or pairs.
- But like couples, the two chromosomes are not the same.
- But they “complement” each other (complementary pairs)
- From the mother and the father respectively
- They are similar — same length, centromere position and gene locations
- Chromosomes in couples or pairs.
On chromosomes:
- Has ~1000 genes in a linear sequence
Gene sequence does not change in replication
- The order of genes does not change (it’s like their class number in class)
But, the bases of indv. genes themselves can change/mutate
- The process of replication is imperfect, when the DNA is unraveled, it is vulnerable to all sorts of changes
- Results in new alleles → more variations of the same gene
- It is like the students’ academic performances can change but their Class Number could change
What is recombination?
- Recombination is “the reshuffling of alleles to create new combinations”
- During meiosis.
- What does it mean by “new combinations”?? “Reshuffling” would imply that the places of the alleles would change (but not the gene itself, no?)
- So the placement of alleles would determine the phenotype expression would be exhibited(e.g. brown eyes)
What does recombination explain?
Explains how chromosomes can be homologous but not identical
On diploid cells production specifically,
- Produced during sexual reproduction/sex.
- sperm cell + egg cell (fertilization) = diploid cell (the zygote)
- Every other cell came from the zygote (see the presentation on cell differentiation, the cells divide and divide and then differentiate) — hence all the normal body cells are diploid
- The zygote cell divides but without largening → morula develops into → blastocyst → inner cell mass differentiates
On haploid cells production, specifically,
- The gametes are haploid because 1/2 + 1/2 = 2 | or n + n = 2n
- So in gamete production would produce haploid cells
- Why should they be haploids?
- Because it would produce 4n gametes (tetraploid → 2n + 2n)
- 4n + 4n gametes = 8n offspring (octoploid)
- Too many chromosomes result into aneuploidy
- Effects: birth defects, death
- Small stature
- Hence, there must be a reduction process to half the amount of chromosomes (2n → n)
- Meiosis is the reduction division
- Counteracts the “doubling effect” of the gametes fusing
- so that when they fuse its n + n = 2n instead of 2n + 2n = 4n. ?
Cytokinesis root tips
In root tips, the cytoplasm (hence its contents) are divided equally because it’s needed for them to grow (e.g. to have a nucleus)
- The root cells are all apportioned equally because they’re differentiated in the same way
What are considered the opposite poles of the cell?
Literally the opposite ends of the cell.
- Chromosomes going to the opposite poles -> Anaphase
Where does Anaphase occur?
inside the cell but not inside the nucleus
What happens to the nucleus during Anaphase and Metaphase?
There is no more nucleus at these two stages?
- Why?:
- In prophase, the nuclear envelope (aka its “body”) is broken down
- allows for the spindle fibres to access and attach to the chromosomes for Metaphase so that they can be pulled away in Anaphase
How does the nucleus stop the chromosomes from attaching to the spindle fibres?
Because the father (the Nuclear envelope) is a barrier for their love </3.
- Basically like a wall that cages these chromosomes! Inaccessible to outside
- Plus I doubt the chromosomes can go through the nuclear pores because they cannot fit—only the mRNA can go through there I think
(For my understanding) How and why does division go from “the inside going out”?
Because the smallest or “most inner” divides/reproduces/replicates first.
- The DNA (which is in the nucleus) replicates in S-phase of the interphase –> the nucleus divides in telophase -> the cytokinesis/(“the whole cell”) divides at the end of telophase.
What is the difference between Anaphase I and Anaphase?
In Anaphase (mitosis), the chromatids already separate into two poles (like Anaphase II)
In Anaphase I, chromosomes in chromosome pairs are pulled away from each other
Metaphase vs Metaphase I
In metaphase, the chromosomes line up in the centre of the cell but they do not line up in pairs. (like in Metaphase II)
In Metaphase I, the chromosome pairs line up at the centre
In mitosis, the daughter cells would not be halpoids so there’s no reason for them to pair up and go into a second dicision which is why they lined up as such in Metaphase
Anaphase vs Anaphase I
In anaphase I, the homoloogous chromosomes separate from each other
In Anaphase, sister chromatids separate from each other and move to opposite poles
Telophase vs Telophase I
In telophase, 2 diploid nuclei are formed
Can I see the math on this?
Homologous definition
Chromosomes with the same length and the same gene locations