CV & Renal: Anti-Anginal Flashcards
Transient Ischemia due to imbalance between O2 Supply & O2 Demand leads to…
Classic or variant angina?
Etiology: obstruction of coronary vessels w/ exercise
Tx: Drugs, or CABG or Angioplasty
Classic “Angina of Effort”
Classic or variant angina?
Etiology: Spasm/Constriction in atherosclerotic vessels
Tx: Nitrates or CCBs
Ischemia can be relieved by increasing O2 supply or decreasing demand… what is the major mechanism used pharmacologically?
decrease demand
Which drugs have the following mechanism?
↑ Endothelial NO →
↑ Guanylyl Cyclase →
↑ cGMP →
↑ Dephosphorylation of Myosin LC →
Nitroglycerine and isosorbide dinitrate
Do nitrates and nitrites cause even vasodilation?
no, large veins dilated more than arterioles
Nitrates/nitrites are DOC for which kinds of acute angina?
classic and variant
Which drug class has the following adverse effects?
Acute Toxicity → Profound Vasodilation → Throbbing headache, hypotension, tachy
Tolerance w/ repeat exposure
Describe the kinetics of PO nitrates/nitrites…
high first pass
CCBs relax calcium dependent smooth muscle by binding L-type calcium channels, making them good for treating acute or chronic angina?
Which CCB can be formulated as slow release for tx of angina?
What adverse effects can nifedipine and dihydropyridines have?
Baroreflex mediated ↑ MI development
What adverse effects can Verapamil & Diltiazem have?
cardiac depression leading to AV Block, HF, Cardiac Arrest
This drug class exerts the following effects on these tissues:
Heart: ↓ CO
Kidneys: ↓ Renin
CNS: ↓ SNS tone
Beta blockers
Do beta blockers directly cause vasodilation?
Are beta blockers helpful or hurtful in variant angina? why?
↓ HR & ↑ Ejection time → ↑ LV EDV → ↑ O2 Demand
Which drug class has the following adverse effects?
↑ TGs
↓ insulin & hypoglycemic response
Harmful in variant angina
beta blockers
Which drug is a partial fatty acid oxidation inhibitor, leading to decreased oxygen consumption and decreased contractility?
Which drug has the following therapeutic effects?
↓ LV stiffness, ↑ coronary flow
Drug of last resort
Variant angina is treated with what two classes?
Nitrates (acute)
CCBs (chronic)
What is the most effective combination therapy for angina tx?
beta blocker and vasodilator
This drug class inhibits cGMP specific PDE5 enzymes, leading to increased cGMP and vasodilation
What two conditions can sildenafil treat?
Pulmonary HTN
A patient complains of blue tinged vision and photophobia. Which drug has those SFx?