Creatine and Beta-alanine Flashcards
Give background the creatine
How does creatine work in the body?
Explain how creatine supplementation effects creatine loading?
Why is a maintainence dose of creatine important?
Compare long-term low dose to short-term high dose supplementation
What is the recommended creatine supplementation protocol?
How does co-ingestion with carbohydrate impact creatine supplementation?
Why does CHO drive muscle creatine supplementation?
Do vegetarians need creatine supplementation?
What are the effects of creatine on glycogen?
How could creatine be considered a buffer?
Compare intra-muscular and dynamic buffering?
Explain the relationship between b-alanine and carnosine
Why do studies focus on b-alanine not carnosine or histidine?
Carnosine is also known as a….