Cranial nerves Flashcards
What’s the mnemonic for the cranial nerves, name?
Oh, once one takes the anatomy final very good vacations are heavenly
Explain the mnemonic for cranial nerves, name.
Oh: Olfactory
once: optic
one: oculomotor
takes: trochlear
the: trigminal
anatomy: abducens
final: facial
very: vestibulochlear
good: glossopharyngeal
vacations: vagus
are: accesory
heavenly: hypoglossal
What’s the mnemonic for the cranial nerves, function?
Some say money matters but my brother says big brains matter more
Explain the mnemonic for cranial nerves, function.
S: sensory
M: motor
B: both
Which nerves originate from the midbrain?
N3 and N4
Which nerves originate from the pons?
Which nerves originate from the medulla?