Conservation Biology Flashcards
The scientific study of the nature and status of Earth’s biodiversity with the aim of protecting, their habitats, and ecosystems from excessive rates of extinction and the erosion of biotic interactions is known as what?
Conservation Biology
True or False:
extinction rates have stayed the same even after humans came into existence
extinction rates have increase 100-1,000 times faster then before humans
True or False:
Homo sapiens have only recently started wreaking havoc on biodiversity
homo sapiens have wreaked havoc since prehistoric times; In North America about 80% of mega fauna became extinct after humans arrived
True or False:
Africa did not have equivalent mass extinctions
Why are islands so vulnerable to extinction?
- evolved in the absence of predators
- Humans introduce competitors, diseases
- Island populations are usually small, which increases their risk for extinction
Famous ecologist
E.O. Wilson
Island Biogeography theory
Current mass extinction is notable because
- It is the only such event triggered by a single species (Homo Sapiens)
- Recovery takes millions of years (Humans are utilizing resources that new species would need to evolve)
What are endemic species?
species found naturally in only one geographic area and no place else
What are hotspots?
areas where species have high endemism
How many hotspots are there?
Contains about ______ of the worlds terrestrial species
By protecting 1.4% of the world’s land surface we would protect…….
- 44% of the world’s vascular plants
- 35% of its terrestrial vertebrates
In 1995, __% of the human population was located in a hotspot
Direct economic value includes resources for our survival. These include:
- Sources of food, medicine, clothing, energy, and shelter
- Food crop genetic variation
- 40% of prescription and nonprescription drugs have active ingredients extracted from plants (Aspirin, Cancer-fighting drugs)
Indirect economic value is derived from ecosystem services. These include:
- Pollination
- Water Quality
- Buffers against storms and droughts
- Prevent loss of minerals and nutrients
- Moderate local and regional climate
- Promote breakdown of organic wastes and cycling of -minerals
True or False:
Tropical rainforests provide more economic benefits if they are left standing than if they are destroyed and the land used for other purposes
True or False:
NYC water supply relies on the ecosystem and biodiversity
slides 23 and 24
What are 2 problems of valuing ecosystems?
- Do not have a good estimate of the monetary value of services provided by ecosystems
- People who gain the benefits of environmental degradation are often not the same people who pay the costs
What are so causes for extinction?
- overexploitation
- habitat loss
- introduced species
- disruption of ecosystem interactions
- -loss of genetic variation
- pollution
What are factors responsible for habitat loss?
-clear-cut harvesting of timber
-burning of tropical forests
-urban and industrial development
What is species-area relationship?
Relationship suggests that if the area is reduced by 90% then half of all species will be lost
Which environment is the most vulnerable to pollution?
aquatic environments
What is habitat fragmentation?
dividing the habitat up into small, unconnected areas
What is an Edge Effect?
changes in the microclimate along the edge of a habitat
Extinction rate was (positively/negatively) related to patch size
process by which a species expands its geographic range is called
What are some effects caused by introduced species?
-$140 billion per year in economic costs
-Human health: West Nile fever
-Hawaii: mosquitoes brought malaria
(70% native fauna extinct or restricted to high elevations)
Disruption of ecosystems can cause an_________
extinction cascade
True or False:
Destroyed habitats can never be restored
they can sometimes be restored however no restoration is ever truly pristine
Look at slideshow to see examples