Congenital Heart Diseases Flashcards
When to refer for surgery for VSD closure?
Intractable CHD
Growth failure despite medical therapy
Large VSD: 3-6 m age
A patent foramen ovale is a variant of which type of ASD?
ASD secondum
Corrigan sign (prominent arterial pulsations) is one of the peripheral signs of…
Aortic Regurge
Treatment of VSD
Medical: Diuretics (captopril)
Surgical :
Pulmonary artery banding
Heart lung transplantation
NB: surgery is conrraindicated in pts with eisenmenger Syndrome
Causes of cyanosis in a pt. With Acyanotic CHD
Eisenmenger syndrome
Resp. Failure
Big pulse volume (water hammer sign) is a sign of
Hyperdynamic circulation in PDA
Treatment of PDA
Medical closure: indomethacin, ibuprofen, paracetamol
Surgery : surgery or catheter clusure
Treatment of ASD
Surgery, catheter closure
What is the defect in atrioventricular septal defect
In partial avcd: ostium primum, mitral Regurge
In complete avcd : ostium primum, MR, VSD, Tricuspid Regurge
Most common cardiac defect in down synd.
Atrioventricular canal (endocardial cushion defect)
Treatment of Coarctation of Aorta
Resection anastomosis
Catheter: ballon angioplasty amd stent insertion
Squatting amd cyanotic spells are seen in…
Treatment of TOF
Medical propranolol, iron, partial exchange transfusion, prostaglandin in duct dependent pulmonary circulation.
Surgical BT shunt ( palliative)( artificial PDA)
Total correction at 6 m
Treatment of TGA
Catheter : ballon atrial septostomy (Rashkind procedure) (artificial asd)
Surgical treatment ; within 2 w ; Arterial switch operation
Egg on side (narrow upper mediastinum) on CXR is present in
Coeur on sabot (boot shaped heart) on xray is present in
Drug of choice in medical management of large VSD
Diuretics : captopril