Conditioning Flashcards
What is “learning” in the context of psychology?
Long-term or relatively permanent change in behaviour based on experience
Operant conditioning explains changes in what kind of behaviour, as a result of what?
Changes in voluntary behaviour as a result of consequences
W/ Pavlov’s dog, what is the unconditioned response?
Pavlov’s bell went from (a) to (b)
a) neutral stimulus
b) conditioned stimulus
Conditioned stimulus was generated from what pairing?
A previously neutral stimulus (bell) with unconditioned stimulus (salivating)
What do you call the two main components in operant conditioning?
- Reinforcement
- Punishment
Reinforcement does what?
Makes it more likely you’ll do something again?
Punishment does what?
Makes it more likely you won’t do something
Positive and negative mean what?
The addition and removal of stimulus, respectively
True or false: positive and negative in the context of operational conditioning means good and bad, respectively.
Pigeons choosing impressionistic paintings because they have been conditioned to pick monet paintings (even when it’s not by monet) is an example of what?
Stimulus generalization
A situmulus that naturally brings about a particular response without having been learned is…
Unconditioned stimulus
A response that is natural and needs no training is called _____
Unconditioned response
***Responses that lead to satisfying consequences are more likely to be repeated. This phenomena is called _____________ Law of _________
Thorndike’s Law of Effect
***True or False? Removal of a positive stimulus will decrease the frequency of a behaviour.
True (? check ?)
True or false: The conditioned response and unconditioned response are the same behaviour.
They are triggered by different stimuli