Chapter 13: Treatment of Psychological Disorders Flashcards
How many varieties of psychotherapy are there?
400 (p. 485)
What does psychodynamic therapy seek to do?
Bring unresolved and unacceptable impulses from the unconscious to the conscious to deal with more effectively. (p. 485, 486)
What Freudian technique has patients say whatever comes to mind, even if it seems irrelevant?
Free association. This can be use in conjunction with dream interpretation. (p. 487)
What is “resistance” in psychoanalysis?
The inability or unwillingness to discuss or reveal certain memories, thoughts, or motivations. (p. 487)
What is transference, and what discipline does it fall under?
Transference is the transfer of feelings to a psychoanalyst (so psychoanalysis) of love or anger that had originally been directed to a patient’s parents or authority figures. (p. 487)
T/F: Behavioural psychologists wish to delve into peoples’ pasts or psyches.
False (p. 488)
T/F: Behavioural psychologists go by “if you can change the abnormal behaviour, you’ve cured the problem.”
True. (p. 488)
What is aversive conditioning, what type of therapy uses it, and what is it based on?
It pairs an unpleasant stimulus with undesired behaviour (eg. Antabuse to make people sick when they drink alcohol). This is used in behavioural therapy, and it is based on classical conditioning. (p. 489)
What is the process of systemic desentitization?
- be trained in relaxation techniques.
- Constructing a hierarchy of fears (a list in order of increasing severity of things associated with the fear).
- Learn to associate the two sets of responses, imagining yourself going up the list while relaxing, then eventually going through with it for real. (p. 489, 490)
What is the process of “flooding” like?
Sounds like what my mom calls “exposure therapy” and thinks is the answer to everything. It’s just throwing someone into the situation so they can see it’s fine, however it is highly controversial in regards to ethics because it can actually result in increased anxiety or trauma. (p. 490)
T/F: Classical and operant conditioning therapies are the same.
False. (p. 488, 490)
What is contingency contracting?
A variation on the operant conditioning token system where the client makes a contract with certain goals they want to achieve. If they fail, they have to do what the contract says (eg. mail a cheque to a charity they have no interest in supporting if they smoke on a given day). (p. 490, 491)
What is a child with a phobia of dogs observing a child without one with dogs, a “fearless peer”, an example of?
Observational learning. (p. 491)
What do we call a key component of dialectical behavioural therapy, that is an understanding that negative emotions are inevitable, but they don’t last forever?
Distress tolerance (p. 491)
What approach to therapy focuses on teaching people to think in more adaptive ways?
Cognitive (p. 492)
Rational-emotive-behaviour therapy is what?
A cognitive approach that attempts to restructure a person’s belief system to one that is more rational. (p. 492)
Ellis’ A-B-C model is part of what type of therapy, and is what?
Rational-emotive-behaviour therapy, which is a cognitive approach.
A) negative Activating conditions
B) activation of irrational Belief system
C) emotional Consequences, which feeds B (p. 492)
MBCT stands for what, and aims to do what?
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, aiming to focus on maintaining a nonjudgemental, moment-by-moment awareness. This typically lasts 8 weeks in group sessions. (p. 493)
T/F: All cognitice approaches are “cognitive therappy”
False. “Cognitive therapy” is Aaron Beck’s specific cognitive approach, less confrontational than the rational-emotive behaviour therapy, having clients discover ways of thinking to obtain information on their own to lead them to discard irrational thinking. (p. 493)
T/F: rational-emotive behaviour therapy is a behavioural approach.
FALSE. It is a cognitive one. (p. 492)
What type of therapist views themselves as guides or facilitators seeking to help people understand themselves and find ways to come closer tot heir ideal selves?
Humanistic. (p. 495)
What technique is at the heart of person-centred therapy?
Nondirective counselling, where instead of interpreting what the person says the counsellor clarifies or reflects it back. (p. 496)
T/F: Interpersonal therapy is more active and directive than traditional psychodynamic therapies.
True (p. 497)
T/F: In group therapy, the therapist is directive.
Sometimes, but not always (p. 497)
T/F: in self-help groups, the therapist is directive.
False, there is no professional therapist.
Eg. in AA/Alcoholics Anonymous (p. 497, 498)
T/F: Family therapists believe that family members fall into rigid roles or set patterns of behaviour, which is the cause of problems.
True. (p. 197, 499)
There is approximately what greater rate of success for treated than nontreated individuals?
70-80% (p. 499, 500)
What is evidence-based psychotherapy practice?
Using research finding the best practices for treating specific disorders. (p. 499)
What therapy type tends to have the highest success rate?
Cognitive-behavioural. (p. 500 chart)
What is an eclectic approach to therapy?
A therapist using a variety of perspectives to treat a person. (p. 500)