Cognitive Approaches to Learning Flashcards
Describe cognitive learning theory
Viewing learning in terms of thoughts processes, or cognitions, that underlie it; as opposed to focusing on external stimuli, responses, and reinforcement
latent learning
add later
p. 189
What is observational learning?
Learning by watching the behaviour of another person or model.
The bobo doll experiment has children display what kind of learning?
Observational learning
According to Bandura, observational learning takes place in what 4 steps?
1) paying attention and perceiving the most critical features of another’s behaviour
2) remembering the behaviour
3) reproducing the action
4) being motivated to learn an carry out the behaviour in the future
True or false: observational learning is via trial and error.
Quite contrary, it is through learning from someone else’s behaviour as a model. (p. 191)
True or false: mirror neurons support the idea that observational learning has a biological basis.
What is relational learning style?
Learning best through exposure to a full unit or phenomenon
What is analytical learning style?
Learning best when an analysis of the principle components and underlying phenomenon of a situation can be carried out first.