Collocations - Unit 7 : Everyday verbs 1 Flashcards
Sắp sếp cho
make arrangements for
example: The school can make arrangements for pupils with special needs.
làm một/nhiều sự thay đổi
make a change / changes
example : The new manager is planning to make some changes.
có sự lựa chọn
make a choice
example : Amelia had to make a choice between her career and her family
có một / nhiều bình luận
make a comment / comments
example : Would anyone like to make any comments on the talk?
đóng góp cho
make a contribution to
example : She made a useful contribution to the discussion.
có sự quyết định
make a decision
example : I’m glad it’s you who has to make the decision, not me.
có sự cố gắng
make an effort
Example : Michael is really making an efort with his maths this term.
tạo ra cớ
make an excuse
example : I’m too tired to go out tonight. Let’s make an excuse and stay at home.
làm / kết bạn
make friends
example : Caroline is very good at making friends.
sự cải tiến
make an improvement
example : Repainting the room has really made an improvement
có sai lầm
make a mistake
example : They’ve made a mistake in our bill.
có cuộc điện thoại
make a phone call
example : I’ve got to make some phone calls before dinner
có sự tiến bộ
make progress
example : Holly is making progress with all her schoolwork.
làm tốt nhất có thể
do your best
example : All that matters in the exam is to do your best.
làm tổn hại
do damage
example : The storm did some damage to our roof.
thí nghiệm
do an experiment
example : We are doing an experiment to test how the metal reacts with water.
làm bài tập
do exercises
example : We’ll do some exercises practising these collocations tomorrow.
giúp ai đó làm việc gì đó
do someone a good turn / do someone a favour
example : Could you do me a favour and pick me up some milk from the supermarket?
Jess did me a good turn by lending me her car while mine was in the garage.
làm hại
do harm
example : Changing the rules may do more harm than good.
cắt / làm tóc
do your hair
example : No, I’m not ready. I haven’t done my hair yet.
làm bài tập
do your homework
example : My son has to do his homework straight after school.
làm việc nhà
do the ironing/shopping/
washing, etc.
example : I’ll do the washing if you do the ironing.
làm gì đó (cần làm)
do some work
example : We’ll do some work on our project and then we’ll go to the cinema.