CODE/FACTS Flashcards
5% Site Slope Usability
5% or less site slope is usable for any activity
5% - 10% Site Slope Usability
Usable for informal activity such as parking, automobile ramps, sidewalks, streets/driveways
10% Site Slope Usability
More challenging to build for outdoor activity, but still buildable at a more expensive cost at and beyond this point
25% Site Usability
Greater subject to erosion, the ideal use would be a lawn or planted banks (Maximum for lawn)
Why do we have Building Codes
For the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the public and is the reason that building regulations exist.
-They are the minimal and ethical standard
International Building Code - is the national model of codes, it was created by a compressive, coordination of code writers. Some communities make their own modifications from the code.
National Building Code - primarily in the northeast and central north
(Building codes Illustrated, Wiley, 3)
International Residential Code -Meant to regulate the construction of detached
- one and two-family dwellings and townhouses
- Are no more than three stories height-wise
- This code supplants residential requirements in the IBC
(Building codes Illustrated, Wiley, 3)
American with Disabilities Act - established in 1990 is federal civil-rights legislation requiring that building be made accessible to persons with disabilities and certain defined mental disabilities
Enforced by legal action, not a local building code
(BCI, Wiley, 4)
State Building Codes
Each state has their distinct code adoption
Local Building Codes
Localities adopt model-code documents with little modification except for the administrative chapter
NFPA 101
Life Safety Code published by the National Fire Protection Association this code serves as the basis for egress provisions especially when doing federal and hospital work