CLM Expresiones 01 Flashcards
- Exp: Grab the bull by the horns
- Exp: to make a mountain of a molehill [idea: preocuparse demasiado]
- Alt exp to 2? [same meaning]
- Exp: to beat around the bush [ie do intentionally] B. Why that illusion?
- Exp: Opposite of 3? B. Where come from?
- agarrar el toro por los cuernos
- ahogarse en un vaso de agua
- hacer una montaña de un grano de arena
- andarse por las ramas B. pq. el tronco es lo más importante
- ir al grano B. el grano o la semilla is lo importante p.q. donde aquí crece la planta
- Loc exp: Don’t laugh at me or Don’t take the piss
- Loc vb: to think about or to brood on B. What other loc vb is it derived from
- Loc exp: to be really happy B. explain catholic origin
- Loc exp: to burn the midnight oil B. I was never the type to burn the midnight oil
- Nat way to say: A. to (not) give it a second thought B. it’s not something we can abandon without a second thought
- No me tomes el pelo (tomar el pelo)
- Dar vueltas A + algo. B. dar vueltas = lit. to go around in circles
- Estar en la gloria B. la gloria = el cielo en la fe católica, pero “estar en el cielo” = dead, what say to young children.
- quemarse las cejas/pestañas B. Nunca yo era el tipo que se quemaba las pestañas
- (no) pénsarlo dos veces B. No es algo que podamos abandonar sin pensarlo dos veces
- Loc exp: she shot me down in flames or gave me the brush off [to reject someone’s amorous advances] B. Explain
- Loc exp: it’s wasted on them, cos’ they won’t appreciate it. B. Explain C. What is the Eng exp I never use.
- Loc exp: to come to someone’s rescue (stronger than to give a hand). B. Explain.
- Loc exp: they stuck together, eg the womens football team [to stick together]
- Loc exp: the book was a drag B. When use 2x?
- me dio calabazas [dar calabazas a alguien] B. calabazas son baratas PloT trata a alguien como que no vale nada
- es como dar margaritas a los cerdos B. cos’ margaritas are a pretty flower which pigs won’t appreciate C. cast pearls before swine
- echar un capote B. un capote is the cape bullfighters use to distract bulls (eg to save a trapped torredor)
- han hecho una piña [hacer una piña]
- El libro fue un ladrillo. B. Boring + Very difficult to understand [Juan Jesús]
- Loc exp: To blab or To spill the beans, as in when shouldn’t, not necessarily a secret] B. My sister spilt the beans.
- Loc exp A: To put one over s.o, via persuasion] B. Don’t try to put one over me!, eg to a salesman.
- Loc exp B: Last night I had my [wicked] way with Maria or got into Maria’s pants [same exp, but sexual]
- Loc exp: to pull it off or to win the day B. In the end I came out on top
- Natural way to say: this involves [or carries] risk
- Irse de la lengua B Mi hermana se ha ido de la lengua
- llevar o llevarse a alguien al huerto B No intente llevarseme al huerto
- Anoche me llevé a Maria al huerto
- llevarse el gato al agua, es como un triunfo, conseguir un objeto dificil lo que otros perseguían. B. Al final me he llevado el gato al agua
- Esto conlleva un riesgo
- loc exp: she said it with her hand on her heart B. exp. C. When use?
- loc exp: to change sides [eg politically, for your advantage]
- Loc Exp: to say no brusquely = to slam the door in ones face
- Loc Exp: You’re nagging/pestering me. B. How else use the expression?
- se lo dice con el corazón en la mano B. con el corazón en la mano C. when it’s hard to say cos’ don’t want to hurt eg you’ve got cancer
- cambiar la chaqueta
- Marta me dio con la puerta en las narices
- me estás dando la lata B. When have a persistent pain eg el abrazo me da lata from p.e codo tendenitis
- Exp: take the plunge or throw caution to the wind
- Exp: … to be on the safe side [ie 1. do things properly to have success 2. do things w/out risk]
- Exp: to understand X quickly B. he understood maths quickly (ie which normally hard to understand)
- Exp: to be quick on the uptake
- Exp: I wasn’t born yesterday
- tirarse a la piscina
- andar/ir sobre seguro
- cazar (algo) al vuelo B. cazó las matemáticas al vuelo
- cazarlas al vuelo
- ¡No me he caído del nido [caerse del nido]
- Exp: to press s.o’s buttons eg You know how to press my buttons
- Exp: to fall into one’s lap (like la maná del cielo) eg The opportunity fell into my lap
- Exp: we’ll be giving free rein to a instinct [also, let loose]
- Exp: I smell a rat
- Exp: All hell broke loose
- Sabes donde buscarme las cosquillas [buscar las casquillas a alguien]
- Me ha caído la oportunidad del cielo [caer algo del cielo]
- estaríamos dando rienda suelta a un instinto [dar rienda suelta]
- Aquí hay gato encerrado
- ¡Se armó la gorda [armarse la gorda]
- Exp: My turn to draw the short straw
- More PC way to say 1?
- Exp: to be plastered/smashed, as in drunk
- Loc exp: to emphasise or to highlight (often used re promises by politicians) CLUE; from art world
- Loc exp. I’m going to talk a little bit about
- Me toca bailar con la más fea [bailar con la más fea]
- Me ha tocado lo peor parte
- estar trompa (cos’ can’t walk a straight line, a trompa is wiggly)
- poner DE relieve
- voy a dar una pincelada
- Exp: It’s a small world
- Exp: A. to put the cart before the horse, do things in a disorganised way B. to get ahead of oneself
- Exp [alt]: to get ahead of oneself
- Exp (2): to show one’s claws [idea, reaccion + aggressive + relevar una cara que gente no normalmente conoce]
- Loc exp: I (still) don’t feel confortable (eg use in the neg) B. when pos = to be in one’s element
- El mundo es un pañuelo
- Empezar la casa por el tejado, has both meanings
- Comprar la gasolina antes del coche
- Enseñar los dientes or Sacar las uñas, como un gato.
- (Todavía) no estoy en mi salsa B. Estar en su salsa
- Loc exp: to be extremely happy
- Loc exp: to hold the fort [as in, to remain in a tough situation + everyone else gone].
- Loc exp: it went swimmingly [use when it went well + finished]
- Loc exp: it’s going great guns (or splendidly) [use when proyect etc. still not finished]
- Loc exp: A. to be a chatterbox [can be used (+) or (-), depending on context] B. What other prep can use?
- estar en el séptimo cielo (to be in seventh heaven)
- estar al pie de cañon
- fue sobre ruedas [ir sobre ruedas]
- va viento al popa [ir viento al popa]
- hablar por los codos B. hablar hasta los codos
- A natural way to say: That’s madness or That’s ridiculous, as in crazy
- Loc exp A: That doesn’t make sense (eg va a Sevilla en agosto)
- Loc exp B: That makes no sense what so ever [can use 2 vbs in 3rd psn singular]
- Loc exp (variant of B): This plate is a dog’s breakfast (ie a complete mess)
- Loc exp: to be in the driving seat (or to have someone by the balls)
- Es un disparate
- Esto no tiene pies ni cabeza
- Esto no tiene/hay por dónde cogerlo
- Este plato no hay por donde meterle mano
- -En estas negociaciones, España tiene la sartén por el mango o El cabrón sabe que tiene la sartén por el mango, y … [This bastard knows that he has me by the balls and …
- Loc Exp: to call the tune or be the piper (ie have the final say)
- Loc Exp: to take the steering wheel (as in, you can take the lead for a while)
- Go to hell! or Piss off A. 2 ways to amp it up (really angry)? B. 2 ways to “suavizar” (mildly annoyed)
- Loc exp: It’s useless to cry over spilt milk
- Loc exp: to be in the middle of nowhere or in the back of beyond
- Loc exp: to kill two birds with one stone
- llevar la voz catante
- llevar el timón pe puedes llevar el timón por un rato
- A. ¡vete a la mierda! o al quinto coño! B. ¡Vete a freír aspárragos! o al mocillo!
- No sirve DE nada llorar sobre la leche derramada
- estar en el quinto pino
- matar dos pájaros DE un tiro
- Exp: You were on a roll (eg re Maria with music)
- Loc exp: he had my parents wrapped around her little finger or eating out of her hand
- Loc exp: A. Don’t suck up to me [To suck up to s.o] B. What is “gesto” do with hands when s.o is sucking up?
- Loc exp: He’s a brown nose (or a suck-up) (related to 3.) [what not confuse with)
- Loc exp: A. to be the X’s pet -> explain to N
- Estabas en racha (Maria y canciones)
- se metía a mis padres en el bolsillo [meterse a alguien en el bolsillo]
- No me hagas la pelota [hacer la pelota] B. hands horizontal, moving in circular direction, as if polishing an imaginary ball.
- Es un pelota [ser un pelota][estar EN pelota(s) = naked]
- Es el enchufado <- enchufe - socket (lit), a position got through influence w/out merit (fig)
- Loc exp: to make a scene, always idea of embarrassment. B. What origin? C. How change if make dimunitive?
- Loc exp: to take the bait or to fall for it, as in caer en una trampa
- Loc exp: his bark is worse than
- Loc exp: he’s (or it was) full of hot air (or all talk), idea he or it promises much, delivers little
- loc exp: to be no big deal or nothing special or nothing to write home about
- Montar un número B. the theatre, = an act, eg musical C. …un numerito = make’s it ironic
- morder el anzuelo (anzuelo = a fish hook)
- perro ladrador, poco mordedor
- es o fue mucho ruido y pocas nueces (eg a flamenco concert with the best guitarrist etc)
- no ser nada del otro mundo
- Loc exp: to be a spare part ie not relevant to what’s going on (eg what say if at Kavita’s wedding?)
- Loc exp: To drag your feet or to dawdle ie do anything slowly, reason doesn’t matter.
- Loc exp: To lose one’s thread [cf “quedarse en blanco” is not completely forget]
- Loc exp: I’d trust them with my life (or completely) B. What 2 reqs for use?
- Colq exp: Break a leg! (when wishing s.o. luck eg before an exam)
- No pintar nada p.e. Yo no pinto nada aqui. Me voy.
- andar/ir pisando huevos
- perder el hilo
- Yo pongo mi mano en el fuego por ellos B. confia plenamente + una situación de desconfianza [poner la mano en el fuego]
- ¡Mucha mierda!