Clinical Presentations in Endocrine Flashcards
anorexia, weight loss, fatigue/lethargy/dizziness/low BP, abdo pain, womiting, diarrhoea and skin pigmentation
Addison’s Disease
What causes the skin pigmentation in Addison’s?
high ACTH levels
Clinical features similar to Addisons except skin is pale due to no rise in ACTH and aldoesterone production is intact
secondary adrenal insufficiency
Central obesity, moon fact, buffalo hump, acne, thinning of skin, telangiectasia, stretch marks, proximal muscle weakness, osteoporosis, hisutism, amenorrhea, insomnia, euphoria, easy bruising
significant hypertension, hypokalaemia and alkalosis
primary aldosteronism
Adrenal insuffiency poor weight gain in males
Genital ambiguity in females
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Labile hypertension, postural hypotension, paroxysmal swearing, headache, pallor, tachycardia
coarse sparsa hair, expressionless face, periorbital puffiness, doughy skin, vitiligo
reduced heart rate, cardiac dilatation, worsening of heart failure, hyperlipidaemia, decreased appetite, weight gain
AF, anxiety, loose bowel movements, lighter bleeding, weight loss
palpable nodules on thyroid
papillary thyroid cancer
thirst, dehydration, confusion, polyuria
acute hypercalcaemia
myopathy, osteopaenia, fractures, depression, hypertension, abdominal pain
chronic hypercalcaemia
paraesthesia, muscle cramps and weakness, fatigue, bronchospasm/laryngospasm, fits, Chovstek’s sign (tapping over facial nerve) and Trousseau sign (carpopedal spasm)
QT prolongation on ECG
bone abnormalities, obesity, subcutaenous calcification, mental retardation, brachdactylyl of 4th metacarpal
bone pain, fractures, nerve compression
Midline swelling, moves with tongue
thyroglossal cyst
soft, non flucuant midline swelling
demoid cyst
Lymphatic lesion arising in posterior triangle of neck
cystic hygroma
Pain and swelling around mealtimes
salivary gland stones
Absent/incomplete puberty
idiopathic hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
galactorrhoea common, also amenorrhoea
short stature, webbed neck, shield chest with wide nipples, underdeveloped breasts, no menstruation,
Turner’s syndrome
Amenorrhea, raised FSH, low oestriodiol levels
Premature ovarian failure
Clinical or biochemical signgs of ahyperandrogenism (acne, hirsutism)
abdo/pelvic pain, febrile, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, vaginal discharge, dysmenorrhoea
Hydrosalpinx due to PID
dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, menorrhagia, painful defecation, chronic pelvic pain, infertility
Insidious onset of increased thirst, worsening polyuria, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, abdo pain, Kussmaul breathing
Extreme thirst, warm dry skin that doesn’t sweat, fever, sleepiness/confusion, loss of vision, hallucination, weaknesss on one side of body
hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic non-kerotic state
headaches, visual field defects, gradual chance of appearance (englargement of hands, feet, frontal bossing, thickened nose, big tongue, growth of jaw etc)
cyclic pelvic pain, amenorrhea, urinary retension, constipation, back pain, nausea and diarrhoea
imperforate hymen
female external genitalia
complete androgen insensitivity
Amenorrhoea, hypomenorrhoea, infertility, pain during menstruation
Asherman syndrome
abdo pain, palpable abdo mass, abdnormal vaginal bleeding, ascited, pseudo-Meigs syndrome
Stuma Ovarii