Cicero, In Catlinam I, section 12 Flashcards
comes comitis m. or f.
comrade, companion, associate, partner; soldier, devotee, follower of another
commūnis commūnis commūne
common, joint, public; general, universal; ordinary; sociable, courteous; related; neutral, impartial; applicable on either side; same form for two cases
coniūrātī –ōrum m. pl.
disciplīna disciplīnae f.
teaching, instruction, education; training; discipline; method, science, study
exhauriō exhaurīre exhausī exhaustum
to drain, exhaust
hortor hortārī hortātus sum
to urge, encourage, exhort, advise
iamdūdum or iam dudum
now for a long time (+ present tense)
imperium imperiī n.
power, authority, command; empire
lēnis –e
gentle, kind, mild
proprius –a –um
own, very own; individual; special, particular, characteristic
because of which thing; therefore; why
since, because
reliquus –a –um
remaining, rest (of)
resideō residēre resēdī ressus
to remain, persist
sentīna –ae f.
bilge-water, the lowest of the people, the dregs, refuse, rabble
sevēritās sevēritātis f.
severity, sternness
but if; if on the contrary
tēctum –ī n.
bed canopy; roof; building, house
ūniversus –a –um
entire, all
ūtilis ūtilis ūtile
useful, profitable, practical, helpful, advantageous
vāstitās –ātis f.
waste, desert