Cicero, In Catilinam I, section 11 Flashcards
amīcus amīcī m.
male friend
calamitās calamitātis f.
loss, damage, harm; misfortune/disaster; military defeat; blight, crop failure
campus campī m.
(flat) plain; short for Campus Martius; elections; military exercises; recreation
comitia –ōrum n.
assembly; election
competītor competītōris m.
fellow candidate, rival
comprimō comprimere compressī compressum
to compress, restrain, crush
cōnātus cōnātūs m.
concitō concitāre concitāvī concitātus
to arouse, incite
coniungō coniungere coniūnxī coniūnctus
to connect, join/yoke together; marry; connect/compound (words) (w/conjunctions); unite (sexually); place/bring side–by–side; juxtapose; share; add; associate; join in time, make follow without a break
cōpia cōpiae f.
abundance; in pl., troops, forces; (+ gen.) opportunity for; use of, access to
custōs custōdis m.
guard; sentry/watch; guardian/protector/keeper; doorkeeper/watchman/janitor; jailer, warden; poll watcher; spy; garrison; container; replacement vine shoot
effugiō effugere effūgī
to flee/escape; run/slip/keep away (from), eschew/avoid; baffle, escape notice
grātia grātiae f.
favor, kindness; gratitude, thanks; one of the three Graces
horribilis horribile
dreadful, monstrous
īnfestus –a –um
hostile, aggressive
īnsidior īnsidiārī īnsidiātus sum
to ambush
obstō obstāre obstitī obstātum
to stand in the way; hinder, block
perīclitor perīclitārī perīclitātus
to risk, endanger
petō petere petiī/petīvī petītus
to ask for, seek; attack; make for, go towards
as many times as, as often as
Stator –ōris m.
a stayer, supporter, an epithet of Jupiter
taeter –tra –trum
disagreeable; foul, loathsome
so often, so many times
tumultus tumultūs m.
commotion, confusion, uproar; rebellion, uprising, disturbance
volō velle voluī
to be willing, want, wish; mean, signify