Cicero, In Catilinam I, section 17 Flashcards
āgnōscō āgnōscere āgnōvī agnitus
to recognize, acknowledge
(to) somewhere
aspectus aspectūs m.
possibility of seeing, sight
careō carēre caruī caritus
to lack, be without, be free from (+ abl.)
concēdō concedere concessī concessus
to relinquish/give up/concede; depart; pardon; submit, allow/grant/permit/condone
cōnscientia cōnscientiae f.
awareness, conscience
cōnspiciō cōnspicere cōnspexī cōnspectus
to observe, see, witness; notice; watch; gaze on, stare; catch sight of, be in sight of; face; have appearance; attract attention; discern
heavily; deadly; greatly, deeply; heavily, mournfully (> gravis)
unjustly (OLD iniuria 3)
iūdicō iūdicāre iūdicāvī iūdicātus
to judge, give judgment; sentence; conclude, decide; declare, appraise
iūstus –a –um
just, fair, equitable; right, lawful, justified; regular, proper
mālō mālle māluī
to want more, prefer
by Hercules!
nisi or nī
if…not, unless
offēnsus –a –um
opīnor opīnārī opīnātus sum
to suppose, imagine; have a (favorable or unfavorable) opinion about
pactum pactī n.
agreement, compact; way, manner; (quō … pactō) how, in what manner
parēns parentis m. or f.
parent, father, mother
parricīdium parrīcidiī n.
parricide, murder
patria patriae f.
country, homeland
pertimēscō pertimēscere pertimuī
to be very afraid
plācō plācāre plācāvī plācātus
to soothe, placate
praesentia praesentiae f.
a being before, in view, or at hand; presence; protection
ratiō ratiōnis f.
account, reckoning, invoice; plan; prudence; method; reasoning; rule; regard
sēnsus sēnsūs m.
perception, feeling; sense
sequor sequī secūtus sum
to follow; come next, come later
servus servī m.
suspectus –a –um
suspicious, suspect
timeō timēre timuī
to fear, be afraid (of)
ūllus –a –um
vīs vis f.
force, power; violence; in pl., (physical) strength