Cicero, In Catilinam I, section 30 Flashcards
adgregō adgregāre adgregāvī adgregātus
to bring together
adultus –a –um
full–grown, ripe, mature
alō alere aluī altus
to feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop
colligō colligere collēgī collēctus
to collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up;obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up
corrōborō corroborāre corroborāvī corroborātus
to strengthen, reinforce
dēleō dēlēre dēlēvī dēlētus
to destroy
dissimulō dissimulāre dissimulāvī dissimulātus
to conceal, dissemble, disguise, hide; ignore
exstinguō exstinguere exstinxī exstinctus
to put out, extinguish, quench; kill, destroy
immineō imminēre
to threaten, be a threat (to); overhang, be imminent (+ dat.)
imperītus –a –um
unskilled, inexperienced
intendō intendere intendī intentus
to hold out; stretch, strain, exert
mollis molle
soft (cushion/grass); flexible; mild, tolerable; easy; calm; weak; cowardly; unmanly; pathic; tender (women/youths); peaceful; kindly; impressionable
nāscor nāscī nātus sum
to be born, come into being, be formed
naufragus –a –um
shipwrecked; causing shipwrecks
nōnnūllus –a –um
number of (pl.), some; several
for a short while
perpetuus –a –um
continuous, uninterrupted, whole; perpetual, lasting; everlasting; in perpetuum: for the whole course of a given period, for the duration of one’s life
perveniō pervenīre pervēnī perventus
to come to; reach; arrive
regally, autocratically
sēmen sēminis n.
seed; breeding, propagation
stirps stirps f.
stalk, stem, family tree, stock
stultus –a –um
foolish, stupid