Cicero, In Catilinam I, section 8 Flashcards
āmentia āmentiae f.
audiō audīre audīvī audītus
to hear, listen (to)
cōgitō cōgitāre cōgitāvī cōgitātus
to think; ponder
colōnia colōniae f.
estate, colony; settlement; farm; abode, dwelling
complūrēs complūrium
several, a fair number, quite a number
cōnfīdō cōnfīdere cōnfīsus sum
to have confidence in, rely on, trust (to); believe, be confident/assured; be sure
convincō convincere convīcī convīctus
to prove wrong, refute; convict, find guilty
custōdia custōdiae f.
custody, protection; prisoner
the same place; to the same place
falcārius falcāriī m.
here, in this place; at this time
impetus impetūs m.
attack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury
between, among; during (+ acc.)
Laeca –ae m.
P. Porcius Laeca, a Roman senator and conspirator with Catiline
negō negāre negāvī negātus
to deny, refuse; say … Not
obscūrus –a –um
dim, dark, obscure; dusky, shadowy, dingy; gloomy; imperceptible; inaudible; little known, insignifican (person); secret
occupō occupāre occupāvī occupātus
to seize; gain; overtake; capture, occupy; attack
clearly, distinctly
Praeneste –is n. and f.
Praeneste, a town in Latium on a lofty hill about twenty miles southeast of Rome, now Palestrina
prior priōris
former, previous, prior, first; ancestors (pl.), forefathers, predecessors, people of an earlier time
salūs salūtis f.
safety, health
scelus sceleris n.
wicked deed, crime, sin; villainy
socius –iī m.
an associate, ally; companion, friend, comrade
taceō tacēre tacuī tacitus
to be silent; pass over in silence; leave unmentioned, be silent about something
together, together with; at the same time, along with
vigilō vigilāre vigilāvī vigilātus
to remain awake, be awake; watch; provide for, care for by watching, be vigilant