Cicero, In Catilinam I, section 1 Flashcards
These vocabulary lists / “cards” are generated from the Haverford Bridge Program. Included are all the words, minus some of the most obvious ones.
Words repeated in subsequent chapters will NOT be included.
If you have corrections etc. please let me know
Students are urged to observe not only the English translations but also the grammatical details of each word, such as principle parts for verbs, and gender and genitive singular forms for nouns, etc.
abūtor abutī abūsus
to abuse (+ abl.)
agō agere ēgī āctus
to drive; do; spend, conduct; concern (oneself with a thing); make a proposal (about)
arbitror arbitrārī arbitrātus sum
to judge, consider, think
audācia audāciae f.
boldness; recklessness, audacity, impudence; courage
bonī –ōrum m. pl.
men of substance and social standing
capiō capere cēpī captus
to seize, take (up), capture; win
Catilīna –ae m.
L. Sergius Catiline, the conspirator
concursus concursūs m.
concourse, crowd; encounter; combination; collision, charge, attack
coniūrātiō coniūrātiōnis f.
conspiracy, plot, intrigue; alliance; band of conspirators; taking joint oath
cōnsilium cōnsiliī n.
deliberation; plan, advice; judgment
cōnstringō cōnstringere cōnstrinxī cōnstrictus
to tie up, confine, hinder, make smaller
convocō convocāre convocāvī convocātus
to call/bring together; assemble; convoke/convene; summon/muster; collect (thing)
effrēnātus –a –um
unbridled, unrestrained
ēlūdō ēlūdere ēlūsī ēlūsus
to make sport of, mock
also, even; still
fīnis fīnis m.
boundary, end, limit, goal; (pl.) country, territory, land
furor furōris m.
madness, rage, fury, frenzy; passionate love
habeō habēre habuī habitus
to have, hold; consider
iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus
to throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss
īgnōrō īgnōrāre īgnōrāvī īgnōrātus
to not know; be unfamiliar with; disregard; ignore; be ignorant of
iste ista istud
that (of yours); those (of yours) (emphatic and often contemptuous)
locus locī m. or loca locōrum n. pl.
place, region, part; passage (in a piece of writing)
moveō movēre mōvī mōtus
to set in motion, stir (up), move
mūniō mūnīre mūnīvī mūnītus
to fortify; strengthen; protect, defend, safeguard; build (road)
nihil or nīl n.
nocturnus –a –um
ōs ōris n.
mouth; face
Palātium –ī n.
the Palatine hill
pateō patēre patuī
to stand open, be open; extend; be well known; lie open, be accessible
patientia patientiae f.
patience, tolerance, endurance
praesidium praesidi(ī) n.
guard, protection, security, garrison
prope propius proximē
nearly, almost/nearest, next, immediately following; prep. + acc.
quamdiū or quam diū
(for) how long; as long as
quis quid
who, what
quoūsque or quō ūsque
until what time, till when, how long
scientia scientiae f.
knowledge, science; skill
senātus senātūs m.
sentiō sentīre sēnsī sēnsus
to perceive; feel
suī sibi sē sē
himself, herself, itself (reflexive)
superus –a –um
above, high; higher, upper, of this world; greatest, last, highest; (masc. pl. as subst.) the gods
finally, at last; in questions and commands, pray, I ask you, then
teneō tenēre tenuī tentus
to hold, grasp; keep possess; occupy
timor timōris m.
where, when; (adv. of place and time; relat.), where; (indefinite), wheresoever; (interrog.), where; (of time), when; whenever; as soon as; in comparison
urbs urbis f.
videō vidēre vidī vīsus
to see; (passive) be seen, seem
vigilia vigiliae f.
nightwatch, vigilance
vultus vultūs m.
expression; face
(added to the first word of a question); whether
and; both…and