Cicero, In Catilinam I, Section 7 Flashcards
administer administrī m.
assistant, henchman
admīror admirārī admirātus sum
to admire, respect; regard with wonder, wonder at; be surprised at, be astonished
before, earlier, previously; in front of (+ acc.)
arma armōrum n.
arms, weapons
cruel, fierce, relentless, unyielding; dark, gloomy, frowning, horrible, hideous, frightful, dreadful
audācia audāciae f.
boldness; recklessness, audacity, impudence; courage
cēterus –a –um; often pl. cēterī –ae –a
the other, remainder, rest (of), remaining part (of); pl. the rest, the others
circumclūdō circumclūdere circumclūsī circumclūsus
to surround, encircle
cōnferō cōnferre cōntulī cōllātus
to bring together, collect; transfer, move; compare; direct; confer (on)
cōnservō cōnservāre cōnservāvī cōnservātus
to keep safe/intact, save (from danger); preserve, maintain; spare; keep/observe
contentus –a –um
content, satisfied
dīcō dīcere dīxī dictus
to say, speak, tell
dīligentia dīligentiae f.
thrifty, economical, frugal; attentive, fond (of), devoted (to)
discessus discessūs m.
duodecim; duodecimus –a –um
12; 12th
fallō fallere fefellī falsus
to deceive; slip by; disappoint; be mistaken, beguile, drive away; fail; cheat
incrēdibilis incrēdibilis incrēdibile
incredible; extraordinary
īnfitior īnfitiārī īnfitiātus
to deny
Kalendae –ārum f.
the day of proclamation, Kalends, first day of the month
magis or mage
to greater extent, more nearly; rather, instead; more
Mānlius –iī m.
(here) C. Manlius, a former centurion of Sulla, leading Catiline’s forces in the field
meminī meminisse
to remember, be mindful (of)
provided that; only, just; now, just now
by much, greatly