Cicero, In Catilinam I, section 26 Flashcards
bacchor bacchārī bacchātus
to revel, rant, rave, rage
brevis breve
short, of space; shallow of time, brief; subst. pl., brevia –ium, n., shoals
cōnficiō cōnficere cōnfēcī cōnfectus
to accomplish, complete; finish off, kill
famēs famis f.
hunger, famine
frīgus frīgoris n.
cold; cold weather, winter; frost
gaudium gaudi(ī) n.
delight, joy, pleasure
humus humī f.
ground, soil, earth, land, country
iaceō iacēre iacuī
to lie; lie down; lie ill/in ruins/prostrate/dead; sleep; be situated
inopia inopiae f.
lack, need; poverty, destitution, dearth, want, scarcity
laetitia laetitiae f.
joy, happiness
marītus marītī m.
husband; (in pl.) a married couple
obeō obīre obiī/obīvī obitum
to go to, meet, die; visit (so as to watch); survey
ostentō ostentāre ostentāvī ostentātus
to exhibit, display
ōtiōsus –a –um
unoccupied, at leisure, idle
perfruor perfruī perfrūctus
to enjoy thoroughly
praeclārus –a –um
very clear; splendid; famous; bright, illustrious; noble, distinguished
somnus somnī m.
stuprum stuprī n.
dillicit sex, ebauchery, sexual violation