Cicero, In Catilinam I, section 31 Flashcards
adflīctō adflictāre adfluctāvī adflictātus
to strike, afflict ,oppress, distress; (pass. and reflex.) be distressed
aeger aegra aegrum
sick, ill
aestus aestūs m.
heat; agitation, passion, seething; wave, surge, flood, tide
bibō bibere bibī
to drink; toast; visit, frequent (w/river name); drain, draw off; thirst for; suck, (fig.) wound
deinde or dein
then/next/afterward; thereon/henceforth/from there/then; in next position/place
febris febris f.
fortasse or fortassis
gelidus –a –um
cold, icy
ingravēscō ingravēscere
to grow worse, worsen
īnsidiae īnsidiārum f. pl.
ambush, plot, treachery
mātūritās –ātis f.
ripeness, maturity
morbus morbī m.
sickness, illness, weakness; disease; distemper; distress; vice
nescioquis –qua –quid (also written as two words)
someone or other other; I know not who/what; to some degree, a little bit
at first, to begin with; for the first time
relevō relevāre relevāvī relevātus
to lighten, relieve, alleviate
tollō tollere sustulī sublātus
to lift, raise; destroy; remove, steal; take/lift up/away
vēna vēnae f.
vein; supply of talent; channel
vetus veteris
vīscus vīsceris n.
innards, viscera, guts
vīvus –a –um
alive, fresh; living