Cicero, In Catilinam I, section 14 Flashcards
alius alia aliud
other, another
cumulō cumulāre cumulāvī cumulātus
to pile on top (of), heap, crown
difficultās difficultātis f.
exsistō –sistere –stitī
to emerge, appear, be visible, be
facilis facile
īdūs īduum (pl. f.)
the Ides (middle of Roman month)
īgnōminia īgnōminiae f.
loss of reputation, disgrace
immānitās immānitātis f.
enormity, brutality, barbarity, savageness
impendeō impendēre
to hang over, threaten
recently, not long ago; in recent years/our own time; (superlative) latest in series
nuptiae –ārum f. pl.
marriage, nuptials
pertineō pertinēre pertinuī pertentus
to reach; extend; relate to; concerns, pertain to
praetermittō praetermittere praetermīsī praetermissum
to let pass, omit
ruīna ruīnae f.
fall; catastrophe; collapse (of a building), destruction
sileō silēre siluī
to be slient; (transitive) be silent about
uxor uxōris f.
wife; [uxorem ducere => marry, bring home as wife]
vacuē–faciō –facere –fēcī –factum
to make empty, empty, clear, free
vindicō vindicāre vindicāvī vindicātus
to claim, vindicate; punish, avenge
vitium viti(ī) n.
fault, vice, crime, sin; defect