Cicero, In Catilinam 1, section 3 Flashcards
ācer ācris ācre
sharp, keen; fierce
acerbus –a –um
bitter; harsh
Ahala –ae f.
the cognomen of C. Servilius Ahala, magister equitum in 440 BCE, who killed Spurius Maelius
amplus –a –um
great, large, spacious, wide, ample; distinguished, important, honorable, generous
introduces an alternative question, or; introduces an Indirect Question, whether, if
frankly, openly
atque or ac
and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed; freq.; even; (in comparisons) as; than; repeated, atque — atque, both — and
coerceō coercēre coercuī coercitus
to enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish; keep in order, control
cōnsultum cōnsultī n.
decree, decision
cupiō cupere cupiī/cupīvī cupītus
to wish/long/be eager for; desire/want, covet; desire as a lover; favor, wish well
dēsum deesse defuī
to be wanting/lacking; fail/miss; abandon/desert, neglect; be away/absent/missing
dīcō dīcere dīxī dictus
to say, speak, tell
Abbreviation of praenomen Gaius (in archaic spelling)
Gracchus –ī m.
Gracchus, the name of a Roman family in the gens Sempronia, especially Tiberius and Gains
gravis grave
heavy, deep; important, serious; severe (sluggish, not digesting properly); intense
incendium incendi(ī) n.
fire, conflagration; fiery heat; fiery passion/love/hostility; arson (Latham); incendiary missile; meteor; P:flames (pl.) [annonae ~ => high price of grain]
interficiō interficere interfēcī interfectus
to kill
labefactō labefactāre labefactāvī labefactātus
to make unsteady, weaken
Maelius –iī m.
Spurius Maelius, a wealthy plebeian accused of aiming at kingship and killed by C. Servilius Ahala in 440 BCE
manus manūs f.
hand; band, troop; grappling hook; in manibus: in hands, i.e. published; manūs dare: surrender
very much; too much; exceedingly
occīdō occīdere occīdī occīsum
to strike down, strike to the ground; kill; ruin; plague; to beat, smash, crush
orbis orbis m.
circle, orb; a circular path, circuit
ōrdō ōrdinis m.
row, order/rank; succession; series; class; bank (oars); order (of monks)
perferō perferre pertulī perlātus
to suffer, endure; report
perniciōsus –a –um
destructive, ruinous
pontifex pontificis m.
praetereō praeterīre praeterīvī/praeteriī praeteritus
to pass/go by; disregard/neglect/omit/miss; surpass/excel; go overdue; pass over
prīvātus –a –um
private; personal; ordinary
abbreviation of praenomen Publius
than; as, how; (+ superlative) as…as possible
because, the fact that
formerly, once, at one time; some day, hereafter; on one occasion; at times, on occasion
rēs reī f.
thing; property; matter, affair; activity; situation; rēs pūblica: the state, the commonwealth; rēs novae: revolution; rēs gestae: deeds, achievements (esp. in a memoir, etc.)
Scīpiō Scīpiōnis m.
a cognomen of the Cornelii, here P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica, who led the group of senators who killed Tiberius Gracchus in 133 BCE
Servilius –iī m.
the nomen of C. Servilius Ahala, magister equitum in 440 BCE, who killed Spurius Maelius
Abbreviation of praenomen Spurius
status statūs m.
position, situation, condition; rank; standing, status
studeō studēre studuī
to desire, be eager for; busy oneself with; strive
supplicium supplici(ī) n.
punishment, suffering; supplication; torture
suus –a –um
his (own), her (own), its (own); their (own)
Abbreviation of praenomen Tiberius
ut or utī
in order that (introduces purpose clause); as, like; when; (introduces indirect command) that; (introduces negative fear clause) that…not; (interregotative) how?; (rel. adverb) to what extent
vāstō vāstāre vāstāvī vāstātus
to lay waste, ravage
violent, severe, vehement; emphatic, vigorous, lively
virtūs virtūtis f.
manliness, courage; excellence, virtue