CHF Flashcards
NYHA Classes of Heart Failure
- No symptoms with normal activity
- Symptoms with normal activity
- Symptoms with less than normal activity
- Symptoms at rest
Definition of HFrEF vs. HFpEF
HFpEF: LVEF > 50%
HFrEF: LVEF <40%
List 6 symptoms of Heart Failure
- Fatigue w/ less exertion
- Weight Gain (>2 kg in 2d or 3 kg in 7 days)
- Exertional Dyspnea
- Orthopnea
- Ankle Edema
- Weakness
- Angina / Chest Pain / Palpitations
- Cough
- Abdominal Distension
- Dizziness / Syncope
List 5 lifestyle risk factors for Heart Failure
- Cigarette Smoke
- Heavy Alcohol Use
- Amphetamines
- Cocaine
- Physical Inactivity
List 6 Cardiac risk factors for Heart Failure
Ischemic Heart Disease HTN / LVH Valvular Disease Cardiomyopathy Myocarditis Pericarditis Endocarditis OSA Diabetes
List 6 Non-Cardiac risk factors for Heart Disease
Anemia Hemochromatosis Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Sarcoidosis Amyloidosis Auto-immune HIV Hyper/Hypothyroid Adrenal insufficiency Pheochromocytoma Thiamine deficiency Selenium deficiency
- Pulmonary Embolism
- MI
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Anemia
- Renal Failure
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Obesity
- Dependent Edema
- Fluid Retention due to CCB or NSAIDs
- Depression / Anxiety
Specific Measurements
- Heart Rate - Tachycardia
- Blood Pressure – HoTN
- Sp02 - Hypoxia
- Weight
Specific cardiac exam findings
- 3rd Heart Sound
- 4th Heart Sound
- Displaced + sustained apex beat
Specific Pulmonary Exam Findings
- Pulmonary Crackles
- Rale
- Pleural Effusion
Specific Volume Status Exam findings
- Edema
- Abdominojugular Reflux
- Elevated JVP
Specific Abdominal Exam Findings
• Enlarged Liver
Initial labs
- CBC, lytes, FBG, lipids, renal function, TSH, urinalysis, troponin
- If available a proBNP
ECG findings
• tachy, afib, LVH, inverted t waves, Q waves, LBBB, ST elevation
CXR findings
• Vascular Markings, interstitial edema, kerley B lines, cardiomegaly, pleural effusion
When is an echo done, and what are the findings?
- within 72 hours UNLESS done within the last 12 months
- ↓LVEF, ↑LV end-systolic + diastolic function, LVH, wall motion abnormalities, diastolic function, valve dysfunction, elevated pulmonary arterial pressure
Indications for angiography
• If suspecting CAD
Acute Heart Failure exacerbation management
• 20 – 80 mg IV OR double the home dose. Urine catheter IN. Monitor Urine output. Reassess patient’s O2 requirements in 1-2 hours.
• Use cautiously, may help with sensation of dyspnea and anxiety, may be harmful
• patch (0.4-0.8 mg/hr) OR IV infusion (50 mg in 250 ml D5W, start at 10 mcg/min)
• C/I if HoTN OR Aortic Stenosis (pre-load dependent)
• Target O2 >/ 92% (02, CPAP / BiPAP), intubation with persistent hypoxia and continue work of breathing despite these interventions
• Upright
When is hospital admission considered in an acute exacerbation?
- Persistent hypoxia, hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea despite intervention
- ECG evidence of ischemia, ventricular arrythmia, atrial arrythmia NOT under control
- Worsening renal function
- New diagnosis of heart failure
What are criteria for hospital discharge
- Symptoms resolved
- Vital Signs Stable / resolved x 24 hrs
- Returned to dry weight + stable for 24 hrs
HF follow up frequency
- Acute change -> follow up in 1-2 days
- Med change + unstable -> follow up in 7 days
- Med change + stable -> follow up in 2 weeks
- Stable + on optimized therapy -> 3-6 months
List the 10 management steps of acute MI
- Pain relief only if severe (opioids can increase mortality if NSTEMI)
- ASA (27% mortality benefit)
- O2 if SpO2<90
- Nitrates only for analgesia
- Reperfusion with antithrombolic therapy or PCI
- B BLocker
- Statin
- Do Code status
- use HEART score for disposition
(History concerning, ECG concerning, Age >45, >65, Risk factors, initial trop)
What is the H2FPEF score
Liklihood of HF
Heavy=BMI>30 HTN Fibrilation Pulmonary Hypertension Elderly (>60) Filing pressure >9
When can you use SGLT2 inhibitors
HFpEF >40%
DM and CVD
DM and >30 and Renal disease
DM and >50 and risks for CVD
Anyone with EF <40%
Except type 1!!!!
Treatment for HrEF long term
ACE or ARB BB Mineralcorticoid receptor antagnoist SGLT2 inhibitor even if no diabetes Diruectic
Referals to consider to EF<35%
Cardio surgery for ICD