Acute Otitis Media Flashcards
S. Pneumoniae (32%)
H. Influenzae (non-typable) (>50%)
M. Catarrhalis
GAS (rare)
Symptoms are non specific: Otalgia \+/-fever Vomiting Conductive hearing loss Otorrhea (if tympanic membrane perforation)
Symptoms in infants and toddlers
fever, fussiness, decreased activity, poor sleeping, vomiting, ear-tugging, non consolable
Risk Factors
White, First Nation, Inuit
Age: Most prevalent between 6 mo – 24 mo; Peak incidence 6 – 9 mo, 75% of children have an episode before age 2
PMHx: Enlarged tonsils + adenoids, anatomic abnormalities (ex. Cleft palate)
Family history
Prolonged bottle feeding and / or shorter duration of breast feeding
SoHx: Crowded conditions (ex/ day care, nursery school), Second hand smoke
Maternal smoking
Pacifier use
Bottle feeding
Otitis Media with Effusion (OME)
Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
Teething, Migraine, Stasis
Intracranial Abscess
Findings on Otoscopy
Impaired mobility on pneumatic otoscopy
• most sensitive and specific (95% and 85%) for Middle Ear Effusion
Bulging on otoscopy
• Spe>97% Sen 51% for the presence of MEE; PLR 51.1
Erythema of the TM
• (PLR 8.4).1
Cloudy Opacification / Yellow / White TM on otoscopy
Loss of visualization of bony landmarks on otoscopy
Air Fluid Levels
Diagnostic Criteria
- Presence of middle ear effusion, and
- Presence of middle ear inflammation, and
- Acute onset (<48 hrs) of symptoms
Need all 3
Management steps for >6 mo of age, healthy, no chronic medical issues:
- Perforated TM with purulent D/C -> antibiotics x 10 days
- MEE + Bulging TM, mild (<39 C w/out antipyretics, <48 h, mild pain, able to sleep, alert, responsive) -> observe 24-48 hrs w/ good medical follow up.
- MEE + Bulging TM, moderate (>/39 w/out antipyretics, >48 hrs, severe pain, difficulty sleeping, irritable) -> treat
- No MEE and no bulging TM -> observe 24-48 hrs w/ good medical follow up.
Management steps if < 6 mo
Pharmacologic treatment duration for < 2y vs. > 2 yr
• <2y/o txt for 10 d, >2y/o txt for 5 d
Pharmacologic treatment for uncomplicated AOM, first line and 2nd line
First Line
• Amoxicillin – 75 mg/kg/day–90 mg/kg/day divided twice per day as capsules or suspension; OR
• Amoxicillin – 45 mg/kg/day–60 mg/kg/day divided three times per day as capsules or suspension
Second Line:
• Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid
Pharmacologic treatment for uncomplicated AOM, with penicillin allergy: first line and 2nd line
First line: • Cefuroxime • Cefprozodil 2nd line: • Azithromycin • Clarithromycin
Pharmacologic treatment for AOM with purulent conjunctivitis
- Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid
* Cefuroxime
Follow Up Instructions
- f/u in 48-72 hours if symptoms persist
* f/u in 3 mo post AOM to assess for persistent OME
Indications to refer to ENT for tympanostomy tubes
ENT for Tympanostomy tubes
• OME for >3 mo with bilateral hearing loss > 20 db
• >3 episodes in 6 mo
• >4 episodes in 12 mo
• Retracted TM
• Cleft Palate / craniofacial abnormalities
- Hand washing
- Breastfeeding until at least 3 months of age
- Pacifiers INCREASE the risk
- Avoid tobacco smoke
- Avoid feeding in supine / flat position
- Flu shot
- Prevnar