Chest conditions Flashcards
Intercostal mm strain -ss, px, pom
ss- pain and spasm in intercostal area, swinging club/over activity
px- reproduction of pain with rot towards and lat bending away
Intercostal neuralgia- ss/px
ss- pain/numbness/tingling with intercostal nerve pattern
px- Schelpelmanns sign (pt will endorse increased pain when bending towards side)
Asthma ss/px
ss- airways narrow and swell and may produce extra musus making it difficult to breath and coughing spells
px- spirometry to assess lung function, chest xray, wheezing/coighing
chronic bronchitis- ss/px
ss- lower respiratory passages become inflamed and fibroses (blue bloater). Cough, production of mucus, SOB, cyanosis
px- auscultate, sputum `
Pneumonia ss, Px
ss- cough w phlegm/pus, fever/chills, difficult breathing
px- xray will show lobar consolidation, crackling on auscultation
pom- antibiotics/antivirals
COPD- ss, px, pom
ss- dyspena, coughing, sputum production, 80% have hx of smoking
px- chest xray
pom- quit smoking, bonchodialators
Angina Pectoralsis ss, px
ss- chest pain due to restricted blood flow to heart, dizziness, fatigue, nausea
px- ECG
Chronic stable angina vs unstable angina
stable- precipitated by 3 ‘e’s; exertion, emotion, eating, relived by rest
Unstable- new onest, accelerating, occurs at rest
congestive heart failure ss/px/pom
ss- when heart doesnt pump as well as it should due to narrow coronary vessels or HBP. SOB, swelling/edema in legs, increased need to urinate
px- fluid edema, enlarged heart
pom- ace inhibitors, beta blockers, diuretics
Myocardial infarction ss/px/pom
ss- pressure, tightness, aching in chest or arms that may spread to neck, unstable angina + cardiac enzymes
px- ECG, Blood markers (cardiac troponin, creatine kinase, myoglobin)
Pericarditis- ss, px,
ss- sharp chest pain, that may spread to left shoulder and neck, gets worse w coughing, laying down (sitting up feels better)
px- pericardial friction rub on auscultation, enlarged heart shadow
acute vs congestive pericarditis
acute= chest pain + pericardial friction rub + ecg changes, improved by sitting up+ leaning forward
congestive- fibroses, thickened pericardium, fatigue, palpations, increased JVP
pulmonary embolism- ss/px/pom
ss- SOB, chest pain, cough, in addition to leg pain. Excessive sweating, blue nails/lips
px- blood tests show high levels of D Dimer
Endocarditis-ss, px
ss- due to bac/fungi. aching joints/muscles/chest pain w deep inhalation, fatigue, new or changed heart murmur
px- blood culture, CBC
Signs of infective endocarditis (4)
- Splinter hemorrhage
- Janewy lesion (hemorrhagic macules located on the palms, soles, thenar and hypothenar eminences of the hands)
- Osler nodes
- Roths spots (white centered retinal hemorrhage)