Chemicals Used In Funeral Profession - Found In Flashcards
acetone (dimethyl ketone)
lip tint, solvents, sealants, accessory embalming chemical, external sealing composition
alkyl dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride
cold disinfectant, embalming spray, embalming cauterant
coloring powder for arterial fluids
cavity embalming chemical, autopsy chemical
2-butoxyethanol (Butyl Cellosolve OR Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether)
arterial fluid
accessory fluid
chlorine salts (hypochlorites)
embalming adjunct/deodorant, bleaches, disinfectants
accessory embalming chemical sealant
disinfectants, embalming fluids, accessoy
humectants, arterial fluid
diethylene glycol
arterial fluid, cav. fluid
ethyl acetate
emb. cosmetic spray, cav. fluid, sanitizing spray, sealing lacquer
ethyl alcohol (S.D.A. specially denatured alcohol)
cav. fluid, cosmetics
EDTA (ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid)
found as tetrasodium or disodium salt, binds calcium, inhibiting clotting
ethylene dichloride
accessory fluid, cavity fluid
ethylene glycol
cavity chemicals, arterial chemicals, tissue surface embalming seal, external embalming seal, water corrective, anticoagulant/clot remover
ethylene glycol-monomethyl ether (methyl cellosolve)
cosmetics only
formaldehyde (formalin when in aqueous solution)
embalming adhesive gel, incision sealer, preservative cream, feature builder, pre-injection chemical, supplemental embalming gel, cavity embalming fluid/gel, arterial embalming chemicals, embalming spray, bleaching agent, preservative/disinfectant gel, sanitizing embalming spray, accessory embalming chemical
formic acid
supp. emb. chem, bleaching
arterial fluid, accessory fluid, tissue filler, cavity fluid, disinfectant/preservative gel, humectants.
hexylene glycol (2,4 dihydroxy-2-methylpentane)
arterial fluid
isobutane (2-methylpropane)
aerosol propellant, cosmetics, insecticide, deodorant
isopropyl alcohol
cavity fluid, tissue filler, feature builder, accessory chem, cosmetics, aerosol deodorant, supp. emb. gel, color concentrate, fungal inhibitor, sealing lacquer, pre-injection chem., solvent thinner, emb. cosmetic spray, liquid emb. cosmetic
methyl alcohol (wood alcohol, methanol)
found in: everything!!
methyl ethyl ketone (2-butenone, MEK)
emb. cosmetic spry, sealing lacquer, thinners
2-2’ methylene bis (4) chlorophenol (dichlorophene)
fungal inhibitor
methylene chloride (dichloromethane)
embalming seal, solvent, emb. cosm spray, aerosol insecticide, aerosol deodorant, tissue surface emb. seal.
mineral spirits (naphtha)
liquid embalming cosmetic, emb cosmetic spray, organic solvent
molding plaster (mixture of gypsum, limestone, portland cement, starch, and other related material)
cav. desiccant, emb. powder
feature builder, sealing lacquer
orthodichlorobenzene (o-dichlorobenzene)
cav. chem., supp. emb. gel, bleaching agent
oxalic acid
embalming adhesive gels
paradichlorobenzene (p-Dichlorobenzene)
embalming/deodorizing powder
embalm/deodor powder, cav. dessicant, seal powder, hard compound
paratertiary pentyl phenol (p-tert-Amyl phenol)
cav. emb. sol (trace), antiseptic soap, disinf spray, bleaching agent
emb. cauterant, embalming disinfectant, cav fluid/gel, pres. gel, accessory chem.
propane (gas 74986)
propellant, emb. seal aerosol, emb. cosm spray, insecticide/miticide spray
propylene glycol
cav. embalming fluid
quartz (crystalline silicon dioxide)
finishing powder
quaternary ammonium compounds
disinfectant, accessory fluid, cav fluid
sodium hypochlorite
bleach , chlorine salts
sodium pentachlorophenate
arterial fluid
drying powder
toluene (dimethylbenzene)
external embalming seal, tissue surf seal, emb. cosmetic spray, lip cosmetic, sealing lacquer, solvent/thinner
(111) trichloroethane
cleaning solvent, aerosol lanolin, sanitizing spray, cosmetics
dry wash